Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I ran to my brothers room knocking on his door.

"I'm so sorry Jake! I didn't mean to go off on you!"

The door slowly open. Jake had blonde on his face. When he gets depressed or sad he drinks it away. He then pulled me in to a tight hug.

" I all most forgot! Happy birthday!!" Jake

While he cleaned his mouth off with his sleeve. He pulled me in his room. He then handed me a blue neckless that had vampire teeth on it.

"Thank you! It's beautiful!"

"Your welcome! now get out my room!" Jake

I walk out jake room and head to the kitchen where I grabbed a apple and a cup of blood. A note was on the counter.

Happy birthday London,

I'm sorry I want be able to spend it with you again.

Love mum

Ever since my dad died mum never was here for my birthday. It sucked because she blames me for his death. When Idk how he died to tell the truth.


I sat by my window when a rock hit my window causing it to shatter.

F****! I said it kind loud. I then look out my window to see Blake.

"Why the heck would you throw that f**** rock at my window! Plus what are you doing here?"

"Because I want to say happy birthday London!" Blake

"How did you know it was my birthday!"

"Just how I know you turned 18 and you like me!" Blake

"I don't like you!"

He then climbed up my house and jumped in my window!

"Glad I invite you in!"

"Thank you, I know you like me" Blake

"I do not! I don't even know you!!"

"Hold your hand out!"

I held my hand out. He placed a bracelet in my hand. The cane was purple and the wolf was a blue color.

" I-it's ..." he cut me off

"Beautiful?" Blake


"I made it my self." Blake

"Thank you"

"Anything for a beautiful girl!" Blake

I started to blush. He then kissed me on the check and was out the door.

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! I couldn't help but scream.

Blake prov:

I heard London scream after I jump out the window. I couldn't help but laugh at how little I act she blushes even if she just met me. She was so beautiful and I will do anything I can do to have her all to my self. The only reason I new she was turned 18 because I read her mind.

When I got back home all I could think about is London. How she blushed when I called her beautiful like she never heard it before. How she screamed after I left from kissing her check!

I soon fell asleep thinking about London.

Hope y'all like it so far tell me wat ya think.


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