The day

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Sorry I have not written in awhile but here you go loves.



London POV

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Blake's arms. I slipped out of them and got dressed. I then remembered today was the day. I got undressed and walked to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I hopped in the shower. After about 20 mins I got out and wrapped my self in a towel. I brushed my teeth and hair. I then blowed dried it and brushed it again. I put on bra and underwear. I put makeup on and curled my hair. I walk out the bathroom and Blake was gone. I saw a beautiful dark blue dress it was a ball gown. I got in the dress and put my heels that matched it.

I walked down stairs to see my mum and brother wait for me.

"Ready to go?" Mum

"Yes" we are going to the Garden Of Picky.

We walk out side and got in the car. I saw ever body. Even Blake. He kissed my cheek and told me I look beautiful I just smiled. Then the Ceremony started. I was waiting till he got down but I felt some so bad start to go threw me. I turn around to look at ever one. I then turned to the side. I began to run and run. I got out of my shoes I was holding my dress and running in the woods I had people running after me but they all stopped. It was getting kinda dark and it was only noon I new what was going to happen.

I feel to the grown and look up to the sky it was raining. It was a bad storm. I have never felt the pain that was going threw me. No one or nothing could stop the pain I was feeling. Next thing I new ever thing was black.

Blake's POV

She was all good then she ran way. I ran after her. She got out of her shoes which made her faster. The only reason I stopped is because I felt a Electric wave go threw me which sent me falling to the grown. She looked back and her eyes where not black but gold a bright gold. She had a tear falling but she turned back around and ran faster. I just lost the one person I loved. I was now at her house. It was storming very bad. I decided to go home and live on with my life.

London POV

I just woke up. My hair was a mess. I was wet. I walked up to this store. I went into the bathroom my eyes where a gold. I just found out that the dark had choices me. I left the store. I'm now walking the streets.


Hi making a second book to this maybe this is the end. Sorry thanks for reading.


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