Waking up

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I woke up on the cold grown. It was just a fucking dream. They did think I was dead. I was to them. I got up and dusted off my self. I saw my bag in a tree opening. I got it out and changed. I changed into black booty shorts, a white crop top that showed my stomach, and a pair of converse. I brushed my hair out. I picked up my sunglasses I put them on and threw my bag back in the tree.

I started to walk the town. I still can't get over that dream. It felt so real but it wasn't. I'm do stupid he would never come back to me.

I got into the town and I saw Jake and I guess her name is Kristin. It does not matter. She was laughing and pulling his arm. The wind blew to make my hair blow and her too. She turned her head. She had a smile on her face and her eyes went gold.

My are always gold why is hers just gold sometimes. I mean I wish mine was that way. I do get comments about how my eyes are beautiful and some run away. I was cut out of my thought when she laughed or more like giggled.

That's when Blake and this girl showed up. They started talking. Kristin told the girl to turn around and point at me. They both had a evil look on there face I just walked away.

The girl hair is a very dark brown like fudge brown. Her eyes are hazel. There really pretty. She more beautiful then me. She is like 5'8 and I'm 5'6. She skinnier then me like a model. My hair is wavey and her hair is straight as a board. I was pale she was tan. She just better then I will ever be. She mostly wove or human. I just hope the best for them.

I walked up to a fruit stand. The old lady that was which died. I gave heard that her grandson works here now. I ring the little bel and a boy with Blonde hair and dark brown eyes walked up.

"How may I help you?" the boy

"Well I was wondering if I could have a green apple?"

"Just one?" the boy

"Yes please"

"Ok that will be .65 cents" The boy

"Ill pay for the lovely lady" some guy said

I turned around to see Emitt. Long story.


"London!" Emitt

"Shhh" I said hitting his head. He picked me up and kissed my cheek.

"Long time no see" Emitt

"Here you go Taylor" Emitt

"Thanks have a good day" Taylor

I took my apple and walked away with Emitt

"Thanks and what are you doing here?"

"Anytime. I moved her with my Wife" Emitt

"Oh I so forgot yall got married!"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you' Emitt

"It's fine" I started laughing

"Well I see you around" Emitt


He was off I turned around to two girls. Standing there with smirks on there face.

"We know who you are" Kristin I think

"Uh ok who are you two?"

"Kristin and that's Katie" Kristin

"Stay away from Blake! You left him and your not getting him back." Katie

"Stay away from you brother" Kristin

"Who the fuck are you to tell me who I can stay away from"

"Your worst night mare" Katie

"I'm pretty sure that yall would be more scared of me!"

"Bitch please. We can see right threw you." Kristin

"You can't even make out what we are" Katie

I punch Katie right in the face. She fell with a shriek. Kristin made sure she was ok and I walked away.

"YOU LITTLE DEVIL" Kristin yelled

I just keep walking. Tell I heard another yell.


I flashed there in a second now looking at her on the grown. I pushed Kristin off and she hit the grown. I picked Katie up by her shirt.

"I'm not the slut sweetheart you are. You don't know me. You mite date Blake but that does not mean you know me. He told you that stuff. He loves me not you. All the time he told you that he loved you. He was think about me not YOUR FAT ASS!"

I dropped her and walked away. The never said anything else. I was now in the woods by a tree crying. I hurt to be called a slut. To tell the truth I have been with a lot of guys in the past two years. They all just wanted to get in my pants but I just couldn't do it. They all toyed with me. I have only had sex with one guy and it was Blake. I was crying even more think about him. I really love him. I will never stop.

I mite be dark but I still have a heart. It mite be hard to believe but it's true. I'm scared of my on self. I ran so I wouldn't hurt the ones I loved. I will keep running if it means it would keep them safe.


I was now balling my eyes out. How was I going to do these? Something always tears up love. It always have. My mum and dad he died. Kay and Finn. Blake and Me. Why just why.


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