Chater 7

18 2 0

Blake prov still

"What do you mean?"

"Well I see.. never mind" London

Was she going to say she smelt like that to? I guess not.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her deeper in the woods. It was now dark and a full moon.

"Are you scared?"

London prov

"Are you scared?" Blake

"No are you!"

"Not at all" Blake


He was not closer to my face and his blue eyes where looking in to my black eyes.

"You know you have beautiful eyes!" Blake

"You do know there black?"

"Yes and three beautiful!" Blake

Was he flirting with me. Then his lips touch mine at first soft but then harder. Sparks went ever where and that's when I new he was my mate and I had to do ever thing to keep him. That why we both smelt like roses and I got butterfly when I was around him.

I'm sorry it really short but I have 9 week test right now and school comes first. So I can get in a good college but yea ill try my hardest to right some more later.

Vote comment! please


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