Chapter 2: The Decision

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The demon known as Bill, hung up. Swiftly, Dipper ran to the attic and grabbed the journal. Then he sat down in his bed, looked over and looked at Mabel's unicorn toy just sitting on her bed. Then he looked up. He saw the moldy spot on the ceiling his sister named Daryl. Everything he saw reminded him of Mabel.
Then he thought about whether or not he should tell Grunkle Stan (now a gargoyle), Ford (now a griffin). Or... just keep it to himself. Then, of course, Grunkle Stan AND Ford walked into the attic, arguing halfway up.
Then, Stanley asks "Where'd Mabel go?"  
That's when Dipper had to make his choice. To tell them, or not to tell them. If he does, they could help, but they could also come along and ruin everything. If he doesn't, they might find out and makes things even more complicated. Dipper decided to just not answer and said, "I have to go to the store," and then left.
Instead, Dipper decided to go to the pond that Mabel's usually in, just to make sure that Bill wasn't lying (like usual). She wasn't there, just as he, grudgingly, suspected. He thought, 'If I tell Grunkle Stan, he will definitely overreact. If I tell Ford, he will most likely stay calm and collected. But he could insist on coming along. I think I'll tell Ford about it, but not Grunkle Stan.' He went back to the Mystery Shack and scampered down to the basement.
"Hey Dipper, what's going on? You seemed really off earlier. You want to play a game of D&D and more D?" Ford questioned, trying to cheer Dipper up.
"No, I'm good. I have something really important to tell you, but you can't tell Grunkle Stan." Dipper answered, nervously.
"Kid, I keep secrets from my brother ALL the time. This won't be a very difficult task. Lay it down for me." Ford replied.
"Well... umm... Mabel... she... uhhh..." Dipper was now sweating, "Mabel's been kidnapped!" Dipper blurted out.
"Wait what?! I thought she was just at her pond! Do you know who kidnapped her?" Ford yelled, panicked.
"Be quiet, Ford. We don't want Stan to overhear. He wouldn't be able to control himself in a situation like this. And yeah... I do know who kidnapped her.... I-it was.... was Bill. And.. um... he said I have to come alone.... and uhh.....  with the journal.. uh... by next week." Dipper responded, anxiously.
"Ok, so... at least we have some information. I would come with you, but... who knows what damage would come of that. You should go alone, but I'll give you some weapons, and I can be your backup. Where did he tell you to meet?" Ford asked, pacing back and forth, worry wracking at his brain.
"He said to meet at Dusk 2 Dawn. It's the old abandoned convenience store. I actually have an experience there myself... But, that's not important, can I use those weapons you mentioned? Maybe I should just go there now..." Dipper ranted, stress and worry lacing his words.
"Yes, I remember Dusk 2 Dawn. It's abandoned now? Huh, interesting. Anyways, you probably should go as soon as possible. But what we really need to talk about is his demands. Should or should we not bring him the journal?" Ford asked Dipper, purposefully.
"Well.. uh... about that... I... I could.. umm.. I could try and.. exchange me for Mabel." Dipper replied, sadly.

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