Chapter 3: The Rescue

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Mabel's POV:
"How dare you Bill?! How dare you make Dipper give up the journal?! He must be so worried... and it's all your fault! He must be debating whether or not to-"
"Now, now Shooting Star, don't get too~ hasty. He shouldn't be debating anything~. He should just be gathering his journal and walking over to Dusk 2 Dawn. When he opens the door and the bell rings, I will hear it from here. Speaking of... I hear the ring now! Stay here, Shooting Star. Well, I guess you don't really have a choice in the matter, do you?!" Bill laughed as he opened a mini portal to Dusk 2 Dawn.

Earlier in Mystery Shack Basement:
"Wait what?! No! You can't! That'll just make matters worse! Then he'll hold you for ransom! Or worse..." Ford yelled at Dipper.
"Everything will be fine. At least... Mabel will be ok. I need to save her," Dipper said, heroically, "also... do you think you come with me to Dusk 2 Dawn? Not to actually walk in with me but... well... Could you help me get over the fence? I'm not very good at it." he finished, quite awkwardly.
"Sure, I'll help you but... I can't let you do this. Maybe we should just give him the journal." Ford sternally told Dipper.
"No!! We can't! He might take over Gravity Falls! Or worse... The world!" Dipper anxiously yelled.
"I'm not so sure about this..." Ford replied.
"Well I'm going! Whether you're helping me or not!" Dipper yelled at his Great Uncle.
"I'll just bring a step stool... " Dipper muttered to himself, walking away.
"Wait!" Ford yelled at his great nephew. "If I can't stop you, I might as well join you. I'll help you get over the fence and I'll guard the journal. But I won't come in with you and mess anything up."
"Thanks Great Uncle Ford! I'm glad you'll help. Let's go."
"Whatever you say, kid." Ford said as he rustled Dipper's hair and they walked out of the Mystery Shack to Dusk 2 Dawn.

Present time in Dusk 2 Dawn:
Ford flew up over the fence with Dipper in his paws, put him on the ground on the other side of the fence, and flew back. Then Dipper threw the journal over to Ford so he could guard it.
He then said "Oh and.. Don't try and get me back. It will just make matters worse. Or at least, don't let Mabel get hurt." through the fence.
"I'm gonna try and get you back, there's nothing you can do to stop me from doing that. But I won't give him the journals and I won't let your sister hurt herself by trying to save you." Ford replied. Dipper nodded and head towards Dusk 2 Dawn.
Then he walked in and called out, "Bill? Bill!" and then right before he was going to say his name one more time, Bill appeared out of nowhere.
Bill said "Hey Pine Tree, have you come for Shooting Star?"
"Yes I have, Bill."
"Well just give me the journal and-"
"What do you mean no. Give me that journal!"
"No! I have a different offer."
"Ok kid, I'm listening. What's your offer?"
"I-I would like to give up myself in exchange for Mabel."
"What?! Well that caught me by surprise. Let me think for a second."
Bill then turned around and thought. 'If I have Pine Tree, Sixer, Shooting Star, other Stan and maybe even Ice Bag and Llama will want him back and will give up almost anything for him! Plus, If no one takes him, I've always wanted a deer head on a pedestal for my wall!!' Then he turned back.
"Hmmm... You've got a deal, kid!" Bill reaches out to Dipper, his hand covered in blue flames.

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