Chapter 5: The Note

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The note read:

Hello~ there Pines family! How are you doing? Having a beautiful day?I'm sure you all want to know what the picture is about

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Hello~ there Pines family! How are you doing? Having a beautiful day?
I'm sure you all want to know what the picture is about. Well,
I'll tell you, like the loving friend I am! I just need those journals! And no,
I won't kill your little fawn... yet. I honestly just took that silly, harmless,
picture to get your attention! But yes, I did shoot Pine Tree in the leg.
Like the monster I am..
Don't worry, I'll pull out his teeth, rip out his teensie-
weensie antlers, keep him as a pet for a while, then I'll shoot
him in all of his legs and finally cut off his head and put it on
a mount, like I would a deer's! Doesn't that sound absolutely wonderful??
Anyway, about the journals...
I really need those. Then... you can have him back. I'll give you guys
five days to comply. If you don't want... I'll just do all the little things I mentioned
earlier! But I don't really want to do any of those
things to him. Oh, I'm just kidding! I REALLY want to. So I might
Just... change the amount of time I'm giving you? Sounds nice.
Just a warning. Anyway,
if you come to 412 Gopher Road in exactly five days... you can
have Pine Tree back. If not, he's mine. Forever. And who knows
how long I'll keep him as a pet and what I'll do to him in that short amount time!
Also, I don't know what time it will be when you guys open
this wonderful note, so just come at exactly 4:00pm in five days.                               
           Your Best Pal, Bill Cipher    
         "Welp, now we either have to give up the journals or try and save Dipper." Ford said, sounding despaired after reading the note in his head. "Let me see that!" Stan snapped as he snatched the note from his brother's hand. As he was reading it, his expression grew angrier and angrier.
"We're going to go and save your brother, Mabel. Oh and Ford, if you want to help, I'd suggest helping us think of a plan because I know we won't be able to think of a very good one on our own," He hands Mabel the note, "You need to read this, sweetie."
Then Ford said, "Can I see the envelope it was in? Oh, thanks Stanley. Well, there's a return address. And it's not 412 Gopher Road."
"Well then let's go!" Stan and Mabel said simultaneously.
"Wait! If I know Bill, I know that he would expect me to look at it and figure this out. This has to be a trap!" Ford warned
"I don't care! Now that you've helped us see the obvious solution, we're going to go save him whether you want us to or not!" Mabel yelled.
"Actually... I need you to stay here sweetie." Stan says, sternly.
"Why?!" Mabel whines.
"Because if you can't walk, you'll just get in my way. You should stay here and help Ford come up with a backup plan and make the attic nice for Dipper."
"Stanley, I really don't think you should do this. It's definitely a trap! Even if Dipper is there, he's not just going to a: let you in and b: let you take Dipper back! He might even just decide not to even give us any chance to negotiate or get Dipper back at all! Please Stanley, just wait it out."
"I can't."
"Stanley! You don't know what you're doing! You don't know Bill like I do!"
"You can't stop me, poindexter! I'm going. No matter what you say."
"No point in trying to stop you, I know that look in your eye."
Then Grunkle Stan flew out the door, on his way to Farmer Sprott's farm. The normal truck wasn't there and all the animals were lying dead on the ground. He entered the main building, knowing what he found inside wouldn't be good, no matter what it was. He opened the door, it creaked open and Dipper was sitting in the corner, duct tape over his mouth, each of his hooves chained to the ground and a collar and chain around his neck connected to the wall behind him, all glowing a bright blue color.
    "Hey Sixer! How ya doi- Oh. It's you. I should've known. He must of looked at the return address, told you about it and tried to get you not to come because he knew it was a trap. Am I right?" Bill said sarcastically.
    "H-how d'ya know?" Stan asked.
    "I've known your brother for a long time, Stan. I know how he reacts to things. He's much more logical than most humans. I mean, much more logical than you, anyway!" Bill taunted. He then Darth Vadered him up in the air by his neck.
    Dipper started to struggle. "Oh what do ya know? Ol' Pine Tree wants to save his Grunkle! You agreed to this, kid! Now be still or I'll shoot more than just your legs!" Bill yelled at Dipper. Dipper calmed down, and proceeded to sit in silence.
"But anyway, I assume you're here for Pine Tree? You can't have him, not without the journals. But I'm intrigued to see what you have to offer for him." Bill said, letting Stan go.
"I'll exchange me for Dipper!"
"Oh no, you're not going to get to do that again. Pine Tree is much more valuable to me then you would ever could be. Now leave! There's no point in you staying! Oh wait... you know what... hmmm" Then Bill turned around and thought to himself, 'If I have both of them...'
Meanwhile, Stan snuck out of the building. Then he flew up on top of the roof, Bill somehow not noticing the large pounding coming from his stone body. Then he came crashing through the roof, Bill STILL not noticing somehow and broke Bill's chains with his rock-hard (literally) fists, grabbed Dipper and flew away.
    Then Bill noticed. He turned around and saw two things: Dipper gone and a certain gargrunkle's tail sticking through a giant hole in the ceiling. Then he decided to start running after them, but after taking just a few steps, he stopped.

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