Chapter 12: The Mistake

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    Ford had just gotten to the tree where you enter the bunker. He flew up, pulled the lever and came back down to go down the stairs. Then, he followed all the necessary procedures to get into the observation room. When he got there, about 6:00, he looked in and saw Dipper and Bill inside. Bill was in the corner sleeping with torture tools on tables around him and a magazine over his eyes. Dipper was in one of the tubes, not frozen but trapped. All his deer related legs were chained to the ground with glowing blue chains and his wrists actually weren't bound or tied together in any way. He had tears running down his cheeks. Both his back legs had bullet holes in them, one of them still bleeding. He had slashes on his chest, again, some bleeding. He had even more wounds on his arms, yet again, some bleeding. Ford couldn't see his back, and he didn't want to know how bad that was. Dipper noticed Ford and his face lit up with joy, his hands moving to put his palms on the glass. But then Dipper realized why Ford was here and what this meant when he went back to sadness and sunk back down. Another reason he did this was to not attract attention to Ford, he obviously came two hours early for a reason.
    Ford went up to Dipper and whispered, "Hey Mason, I'm going to get you out of here, okay?"
    Dipper nodded, and Ford went back into the observation room and opened the tube. Dipper started to move, forgetting about the chains. When he pulled the chains too much, he triggered an alarm that Bill set up which triggered flashing red lights and some very loud alarm-y sounds(?). Bill woke up from his little nap, looked over and saw Dipper trying to get out of the wide open tube and Ford in the window leading to the observation room. Then Bill snapped, making the sound-proof glass leading to the observation room crack and fall apart.
    "Well, well, well! Look what we have here!" Bill yells, "Looks like good ol' Sixer came to save his little fawn! Just one problem: he's literally chained to the floor! Or did you two just forget that little detail?"
    "You isosceles monster! You can't just keep a child locked up anywhere, much less an underground bunker! Let the boy go! Right. Now."
    "Again with the monster thing! Jeez, you guys need to learn how to word things differently!"
    "Great Uncle Ford! RUN!" Dipper yelled towards the observation room, "Leave me! Just come back when Bill told you to!"
    "Listen to the kid, Sixer. I suppose I can give you a chance to come back and get Pine Tree back. I mean, we'd hate for me to not get the thing that I want just because you can't follow orders! So go, wait a couple hours and then come back. Doesn't that sound great?"
    "No! I wo-" Ford was interrupted when he looked over at Dipper, who had pleading eyes that were more than enough to convince him that he had to go. He had to go to save Dipper. "Fine. But only so I can help Dipper. And free him from this hell-hole."
    "Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me! Just go. BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!" Bill yelled
    Ford ran out of the bunker and just sort of sat outside for a while, getting more and more worried. Sitting outside may not have been helping his sanity or his 'getting milk' excuse, but it was helping Dipper. And that's all that matters.


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