Chapter 14: The Breaking Point

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Ford had been sitting outside the bunker rigorously solving pages from the book of word searches he always had in his bag for about two hours when he finally looked at his watch (he had been looking at it a lot) and it was time. Well, 7:58 at least. It would take him a bit to get through the security system, it'll be fine. And, for once, it was fine. He got there at exactly 8:00, even if it was mainly because he couldn't remember what one of the buttons to press was so he had to check in the journal.    
    He got inside and he felt even worse than before. Dipper was dressed like a waiter and he didn't look very happy about it. Well, he didn't look happy before either, but at least when Ford was trying to save him he had a bit of sparkle in his eyes. A bit of hope. Now, all that seemed to be left was sadness and disappointment. If only Dipper could've had a friend in all this, like Mabel or Ford or Wendy or Soos or even Stan or Pacifica. Then maybe he could've stayed at least a little positive. Then maybe he could hope that he would be able to go home. But now that Dipper knew what Bill was asking for him, he didn't think that he would ever get to go home. He didn't want to go home. Not for that price.
As soon as Bill saw Ford, he yelled "Hey Sixer! Right on time, I see! 8:00 on the dot! Anywho, you're here for Pine Tree, correct?"
"Pine Tree is Dipper, right?" Ford asked.
"Correct-amundo, Sixer!" Bill replied, hanging onto a pole with his hand and spinning.
"Then yes, I am here for Pine Tree." Ford confirmed, rightfully frustrated.
"Aaaaaaall righty then! Let's get this thing started! Fawn, lead the old man to his seat and bring him his drink."
"Y-yes sir..." Dipper nervously replied.
There was a quick exchange of glances between the twins. Very quick. Almost unnoticeably quick. Dipper glanced over as he started to warily limp over to the chair that Bill wanted Ford to sit in.
"NO!" Ford yelled, shocking Bill, Dipper, and even himself.
"What was that, Sixer? You do know why this little guy is here, right? He's here because you and that incompetent little family of yours tried to get him back and failed. That's what happens when you don't follow the orders of the guy who's in charge. And before you say anything about how it's not your fault, it is. Yes, I know it's your brother's fault too, but you're still not innocent."
"And how's that?!" Ford yelled, but not as loud as before, of course.
"I see your confidence isn't completely diminished after all, huh, Pine Tree?" Bill replied
"Don't say that, my boy, you are coming home. No matter what. I'm sorry I snapped, I'll just... go sit down."
"Good choice, Sixer." Bill said as Dipper led Ford to his seat.
After Ford sat down(carefully avoiding crushing his wings), Dipper went into another room to, assumably, go get drinks.
"Well, Sixer, you probably already know what I'm going to ask for in return for Pine Tree."
"The Rift, was it not?"
"Correct-a-mundo, Sixer!"
"Ok. Well, I've thought about it a lot and..."

~See what happens in the next chapter!~

A/N: 300 reads?! What?! Yay! Thank y'all so much! Also I'm sorry I say y'all so much, at least I don't in the actual story, right? He. Anyway, this is the second to last chapter and I've already finished the next one. I think I'm just gonna post them both on Friday even though I'm supposed to post this one on Saturday and the next one on Sunday because I feel really bad about slacking on most of my other fanfics! Anyway I'm gonna go do those things... remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram buy gold bye!

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