Chapter 11: The Reveal

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    "Hey, Mabel? Can I tell you something?" Wendy anxiously asked Mabel.
    "Of course!! You can tell me anything, *insert some Mabel-y thing to call Wendy*" Mabel excitedly replied.
    "Even if you're not allowed to tell Dipper?"
    "Yes, but I have to be fair. I'm not allowed to tell you anything secrety Dipper said about you!" Mabel firmly stated.
    "Wait, is there something secrety about me that Dipper told you?"
    "Nope! But if he ever does, I won't tell you!"
    "Okay then. Anyway, I just really need to say this out loud. And, I might end up telling Dipper eventually, just... when I'm ready. I'm sorry, I really need to get to the point. I... well, I uhh... I ate a deer."
    "I knew it, I knew it! I knew tha-"
    "No no no no no! I just needed a second to... process that. You know, I think that's ok. You are a werewolf."
    "But that's not the end of it, even! I enjoyed it! And it tasted really, really, really good! How am I ever going to face him again?!"
    "I'm just worried about seeing his face at all in the future" Mabel muttered, but not muttery enough.
    "Wait, what? Why?! Has something happened to Dipper?!" Wendy said, worried and confused.
    Mabel thought to herself, 'Should I tell her? I don't think Grunkle Stan or Grunkle Ford would want me to, but... I think... I think that Dipper would.'
    "Well? You've been staring off into space for a while now."
    "Umm... well, yes. Something has happened to Dipper."
    "Wait, what?! I didn't think you'd actually say yes! Oh my god! What happened?!"
    "Well..." and Mabel told her the entire story. About her getting captured, then Dipper getting captured, even how Stanley reacted and every little thing that happened along the way. Or, what she thought was the entire story. She still had no idea what Ford was doing or if he was succeeding at it. But, before we get to that, here's more side story!
    "The triangle guy? I've only heard stories from Dipper about him! I remember him explaining why you and him freaked out at your puppet play. But I guess he's not a triangle guy anymore, is he? You said he has a human form now. Crap! So he's the one who started this?! Who caused this whole monster thing?! I didn't realize he was this strong! Jesus Christ! What the hell is that monster doing to Dipper?! How can we help him?! Do you know?"
    "No... I don't know. I've been trying to think up a way to save him, but I don't know where he is, what's happening to him, or if there's any possible way for me to see him again. But, all I can do is hope for the best. I may be alone now, but I know that I won't be alone forever. I will get my twin back!"
    And with that, Wendy had to go home. They had a little bit of extra talking before she went, but she had to get home to take care of her dad. But that night, Wendy could not sleep. For she too was worried about Dipper.
    ~Ok guys! Y'all can actually get back to the main story now! Stuffs will happen! Also things! That's all I'm going to tell you! Yay!~

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