Chapter 10: The Second Note

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    "Ford! Come 'ere! You have mail!" Grunkle Stan yelled down to Ford, sitting down in his chair, turning the TV on and putting Ford's mail on the table next to him.
    "Really? Who would be sending me a letter? Could it... Oh no..." Ford said, just before running up to the living room.
    "What's wrong, Grunkle Ford?" Mabel tried to ask, but by the time she could finish he was already seizing the letter from Stan's TV table.
    "I normally would open it if it said Stanford Pines but it specifically said The Real Stanford Pines, so I thought you should probably take it. Do you think that was a good idea, Ford? Ford? Ford?!" Ford had already ran down to the basement and was about to bring Mabel back up to the TV room.
    Ford brought Mabel up and said nothing when both Mabel and Stanley tried to get his attention and ask him why he seemed so worried. But he just ran back to the basement.
     Ford new who sent that letter. He knew the handwriting, he knew the slight tint of yellow on the envelope, he knew this was from Bill.
    Ford opened the letter as soon as he was back in the basement and this is what it said:
Why, hello Sixer!
I know I said that there was no way you could possibly get Pine Tree back,
but I think I may have actually found something that I would want to trade him for!
You know how you have that little container of space time that you think I don't know about?
And, well, I know about it.. I also know if I destroy it my wildest dreams can come true!
So, would you please bring it, what you call  "The Rift",
to your little, what do you call it, "bunker" at around, let's say, 8:00 pm tonight?
That would be absolutely wonderful!
It would also be sorta fantastic for you because you'd get Pine Tree back, but you know, whatever.
That doesn't really matter. Anywho, I really do have to get back to torturing your little fawn,
so I better see you soon!
Sincerely, eh, you know who this is. Why bother

    "Oh... Oh God, I... I have to go." Ford said to himself just after reading the letter. "I have to. I have to save him.
    Ford ran upstairs as fast as he could, realizing it was already 5:20 and he still had to grab the rift, make up an excuse to tell Mabel and Stanley, get to the bunker and find Journal 3 for the code for the bunker by 8:00.
    Immediately after he got upstairs, he remembered the rift was still downstairs and ran back down to get it. This majorly confused Wendy, Soos and Mabel who were having a dance party for no apparent reason.
    Ford then ran down, grabbed the rift and ran back up again. When he got back, the werewolf, slime monster and mermaid had already continued the dance party. *oh and if you're wondering, Soos is the DJ, Wendy's dancing normal and Mabel's just kind of in her wagon moving her arms around*
Ford gave Mabel 'the look' and she awkwardly said "Well... You see, I really wanted to do something to get my mind off of-" Mabel looks at Wendy and Soos, "Can we have this conversation in the other room real fast?"
    "No, it's ok. We don't need to really have this conversation. I'm really in a hurry, anyway."
    "In a hurry to where? Is it about Dip-"
    "Uhh, no, no! I just... uh... had to go out to get... umm... some... milk! Yes, that's right! Milk! I like to keep some in my study, it uh, helps to get the mind working! And, don't ya know it, I'm all out! I'll just go and tell Stanley why and where I'm going and I'll, how do the kids say it, see ya later! I guess..."
    "Uh, ok! Good luck with the milk!" Mabel awkwardly tried to tell Ford as he ran into the TV room.
    "Stanley! Where are you, Stanley?!" Ford yelled after his brother.
    "I'm right here poindexter, in the kitchen!"
    Ford apologized as he walked into the kitchen, "Oh. Sorry, uh, that makes sense. I just, with Dip-"
    "Hey. It's alright, Ford. I understand you're probably under a lot of stress right now with all that's going on. Hey, how about a trip down memory lane? High six?"
    "High six." Ford calmly replied, high sixing his brother.
    "Anyway, what was it that you wanted to tell me? That is why you were looking for me, right?"
    "Umm, yes! I just wanted to let you know that I was going to go out for milk."
    "But we have milk right here, Ford. You know, in the fridge."
    "Yes, but, you see, I need some milk for downstairs."
    "Why? You never really liked milk when we were kids, anyway."
    "I guess I just changed over the years. And I don't want to hog the milk you have up here."
    "It's not really hogging, but alright. You seem really set on getting this milk."
    Then Ford smiled to Stan and went back into the gift shop. "Umm, Mabel? Do you know where Dipper keeps my third journal?"
    "Oh, um... let me think... I'm pretty sure he changed where he kept it after the Bill possession incident..."
    "Wait what?! I didn't realize that he had been possessed by Bill! I thought you guys had just fought him!"
    "Oh, he didn't tell you? I'm sure he just didn't get a chance. Anyway, I'm pretty sure he keeps it around his bed somewhere. It used to be on his nightstand, but he doesn't trust me with it so... Anyway, if I know my brother and I do, check under his bed. If it's not there, try in the mattress or under his pillow."
    "Huh. I didn't realize he liked my journal that much. Thanks, sweetie!"
    Ford ran upstairs and found the journal under Dipper's bed, just like Mabel said. Then, he ran out of the shack and started flying towards the bunker. This trip was going to bring back some memories, and not just because he hadn't been there for over 30 years.

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