Chapter 4: The Deal

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Dipper hesitantly reaches out to Bill's hand and shakes it.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Now kid, I'll keep my word, but will you? Here's your precious sister, Pine Tree!" Mabel appears in a glass triangle, a second later is in a wagon full of water.
"Mabel!" Dipper yells, starting to go towards her.
"Not so fast Pine Tree! I'll teleport her just outside the fence. I know Sixer's out there so you don't have to worry about that. Now all you need to worry about is me!" Bill's eye turns blue and Dipper and him disappear into thin air. Mabel then also disappears.

Outside the Dusk 2 Dawn Fence:
"I'll get you for this, Bill!!" Mabel screamed, startling Ford, who was peering just over the fence with great precision.
"Oh.. Hey Grunkle Ford... did you see or do you know what just happened?" Mabel asked.
"Well, I didn't quite see what happened, but I do know what happened. Bill just took your brother in exchange for you. I'm assuming Bill took him somewhere, but I don't know where.Your brother just did a very brave and courageous deed for you, Mabel. He got a plan together, got up the nerve to talk to me about it and didn't let Bill take over our dimension in just two days. I hope you understand just how lucky you are to have a brother like that." Ford answered.
"Oh. Ummm... well, I want him back. How can we do that?" Mabel asked.
"I'm not sure. I want him back, too. But who knows what would happen if we found him and took him back. And we can't give him the journ-"
"WHY?! I'm willing to do anything to get my brother back!! Why can't we?!"
"Because! Dipper himself told me not to give Bill the journals. No matter what. In fact, he even told me not to try and get him although I quickly said I would try and save him. But he mostly said not to try and rescue him because he was worried you might get hurt." Mabel started to cry.
"Why?! Why can't we just live in peace as normal humans without scary dorito demons?! Most towns don't have to deal with demons or gnomes or ghosts or anything like that! Most towns don't have to deal with being turned into monsters!!" After that, it all got quiet.
"Let's go home, Mabel. We need to attempt to explain this to Stanley." Ford said as he wheeled his great niece home to the shack. As they were on their way, Mabel asked Ford lots and lots of questions.
Some of them being "Why in the world would you let Dipper sacrifice himself?"
He replied with, "I didn't let him do anything. It was his choice."
Or, "How come Bill can only turn himself into a human when he turned the whole town into monsters?"
"You see, it takes very little power to make one evil. But to make one good, it takes all the power in the world. Just be thankful we got monsters that are considered 'good' like mermaids and griffins. Unlike some, who got zombies or vampires." After that many questions were to come. *But that would take up way too much space, wouldn't it?*
When they got back to the Mystery Shack, Stan was in the T.V. room. Ford strolled up to his brother and said, "Hello, Stanley."
"Hey Ford. Where's Dipper? There's some baby ducklings in the kitchen and I need him to take care of that." Stan asked, all the while staring at the T.V.
"Well, about that... you see... uhhhh... hmmm... well..." Ford stammered.
"Dipper's been kidnapped!!" Mabel yelled, interrupting Ford (without realizing it).
"Oh that's great sweetie... WAIT WHAT?! Who?! Where?! When?! Why?! What am I going to tell your parents...? First the monster thing, now this?! If your parents didn't exist I wouldn't be so worried!" Stan yelled.
Ford, trying to stay calm, said, "I'll answer your questions in order: Bill Cipher. It happened at Dusk 2 Dawn, but I have no idea where he is now. Just before we left Dusk 2 Dawn, we came from there. Oh, and why... because... becau-"
Mabel, interrupting once again, said, "Because I was kidnapped first and Dipper sacrificed himself for me. He knew that if he didn't do anything, I would die. And if he gave Bill the journal then everyone in the world would die. So he gave himself up. And I'm proud of him for it! Even if... he left me alone... even if I can never play mini-golf with him again... e-even if I might have to go to high school alone..." Mabel finished, sobbing.
"We need to go find him right. The hell. NOW." Stan said.
"NO!" Ford yelled.
"What do you mean no?"
"I mean.. Well, I suppose I mean he told me not to try and save him and... I'm just worried... about.. about him... and about the deal..."
"What deal?!"
"The deal we'll most likely have to make if we want him back."
Stan rubbed his forehead. "Well, I might as well check the mail. We might have some more bills to pay..." He went and checked the mail. Opened an envelope, saw a picture and then ran inside.
"Ford! Mabel! Look! I found this note in the mail!" Stan yelled.
"Dipper!!" Mabel screamed.
"I... I don't know what to say..." Ford stated.

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