Chapter 7: The Re-Capture

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As soon as they got through the door, they were greeted by Bill. Apparently, while they were flying home he teleported there. Behind Bill, Mabel was helplessly in a wheelbarrow full of water and Ford was in a huge birdcage hanging from the ceiling. They both had that 'I'm sorry' look in their eyes.
    "Hey Pine Tree? Do you know what this means? Well, I'll tell you. This means that I'm never letting you go! Not even for the journals! You're mine forever, pal and there's nothing you can do about it!" Bill yelled.
    "Hey! You can't do that, you monster!" exclaimed Stanley.
    "Again with the monster thing! Ya know, I'm not the monster here! Not anymore! And yes I can do that! You broke the deal because you are the ones who took Pine Tree without the journals! C'mon, idiot, I'm taking you back to your prison and/or torture house." Bill sneers, snapping and making a pile of paper appear on top of Stanley.
    Then he snatched Dipper and disappeared, going who knows where. Dipper screamed as loud as he could. Right after he was gone, the birdcage around Ford disappeared and Stanley dug out from the pile of paper surrounding him.
    "This isn't a game of rock paper scissors!" Stan shouts at the nothingness that was Bill just a moment ago.
    "He's gone, Stanley. And Dipper's gone too," Ford stated, seeming empty inside, "and it's all your fault!" Ford adds, yelling.
    "How is this my fault?!"
    "How is this your fault? This is your fault because you decided to go and try to save Dipper! This would never have happened if you had just listened to me for once! You're too stubborn for your own good, you know that!" Ford loudly lectured.
    "Oh, I'm too stubborn?! Lately, all I've done is listen to you! How about you?! If you would've helped me, I might have saved him! You know way more about Bill than I do!"
    "You're right! I do know more about Bill than you! That's why you should've trusted me when I said not to go after him!"
    "Why you little-"
"STOP!!" Mabel yelled, "Let's just agree that it's Bill's fault and try and think of a good way to save Dipper!"
There was a moment of silence.
    "She's right." Stanford and Stanley both said in unison.
    Then it all got quiet. No one knew what to say. No one knew what to do.
    "Jinx..." Stanley murmured. They knew that they needed Dipper back, somehow. They each had their own specific reasons, but they had at least one in common: he was family. And that meant that they definitely needed him back.
But, how? Bill wasn't going to just give him back now like he was returning earbuds, not even for the journals. Is there something else he might want? If so, what?

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