Chapter 15: The Disapointment

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"Well, I've thought about it a lot and," Ford paused. He looked down at his paws. He looked back at the door that Dipper went through to get drinks. He had decided. "Well, I can't give up the Rift. I know what you will do with it and I'm not gonna give it up so easily."
"WELL THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO GIVE IT UP FOR?!" Bill yelled while standing, his one eye glowing red.
"I don't know. Probably nothing, if it's to you." Ford said smirking up at Bill.
Bill got furious. His skin turned red. The sclera and iris of his eyes turned black. His elongated pupils turned white. He used his powers to float Dipper into the room they were in, scared and helpless. Ford stood. He had stopped smirking by now. He knew Dipper was in big trouble. Bill started choking Dipper just a bit. Dipper couldn't move his arms though, so you almost couldn't tell.
"Oh don't worry!" Bill snarled, "I won't kill Pine Tree just yet! I just want to make sure you see him experience some pain before we go off to yet another hiding place!" Bill then stopped choking him and caused his shirt to disappear. "You wouldn't want to ruin the fancy shirt I got you, now would you?" Bill chuckled.
      Seeing all his wounds. Some that had even been re-opened by just moving around. This brought Ford to tears. 'Those wounds,' Ford thought 'They're all my fault!' Ford was full on crying now and Bill was just making Dipper float, he stopped choking him.

      "Oh so Mr. Tough-Guy over here actually has a soft spot, huh?" Bill mocked.

"LET. HIM. GO!" Ford yelled

"Nope! Bye now, we really should be going." Bill Cipher told him, just before snapping and disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

    "You triangular son of a bitch!" Ford called to the emptiness that was both the demon and his nephew just a moment ago. Bill was gone. Dipper was gone. He was a disappointment. A disappointment to his family, to his legacy, to himself. He left the bunker. It was probably time to start looking for Dipper yet again. But when he got out there, he was met with a surprise.

A half an hour ago, the Mystery Shack

Wendy had come to the Mystery Shack to get a littler more information on Bill Cipher from Stanford. She knew he knew about him because Mabel told her, and she thought he would be her best chance at finding Dipper. Once she got there, Mabel said that Ford wasn't home, that he had gone out for milk, but he usually hangs out in the basement. And Mabel being the kind and trusting girl, or, rather, mergirl, she is, she immediately told Wendy how to get into the basement.

Wendy went down there and saw the note. That horrible, horrible note. She saw the envelope that was yellow and, without thinking, immediately looked inside. She knew it would be from Bill. She thought the rest of the family didn't know about it since Mabel told her, but she didn't have the time to tell them. She rushed outside and ran to the bunker. Luckily, she remembered where it was. But not so luckily, she was a werewolf now. And when werewolves are in a forest, they get... distracted.

She was running through the woods to the bunker. She was running and running and running and running... well, that's not necessarily true. She had a few stops. There was that squirrel, and well that other squirrel. And then there was that one gnome guy, he was with tons of squirrels. And there was that stray cat. And then that darn mail man. What was he even doing there? But she finally got there. She climbed up the tree, which was a lot easier now that she was a werewolf, and pulled down the branch that doubled as a lever. But she was too late.

By the time she opened it, Ford was already coming out. She realized what he was doing, how could she have not realized it earlier? He wasn't getting milk, he was saving Dipper. How come Ford didn't have Dipper with him?

"Where's Dipper?" Wendy asked Ford, the fear showing even in her wolf eyes.

"I don't know." He calmly replied, still walking out of the bunker. You could tell he had been crying.

"What happened?" Wendy asked, raising her voice a bit.

"I... don't know." He said, still walking.

"How can you not know?! You were there, weren't you?!" Wendy was full out yelling this time.

Silence. Ford stopped in his tracks.

"Look, I'm sorry. I just... I can't talk about it right now."

Yet again, silence.

"Okay. I... I understand." Wendy eventually replied.

The whole way back to the Mystery Shack, they walked in silence. Plus, Ford never flew. He just wanted to sulk for a bit. To think Before he got back to the troubles and frustrations of his family.

    'I mean, yeah, I love 'em, but they sure can be a pain in the ass.' Ford thought to himself, 'Aw shit, I'm starting to sound like Rick. But what am I going to tell them when I get home? That I couldn't get Dipper back because I didn't have the balls to give Bill the rift? Sure, I could explain what he would do with it, but would Stan care? Mabel doesn't know about it. The only person who I told was Dipper. The only person I trusted was Dipper... Dammit! If only I just would've told them earlier they might understand. Aw crap, we're almost here. And I doubt this girl will want to wait it out at all. Well, into the unknown, I suppose.'

    Then, Ford and Wendy walked into the Mystery Shack.

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