Chapter 14: Lustful Dragon

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Jesse returned to the shop/house late at night and tossed his bags on the ground next to the couch.  He had spent the rest of the day shopping for clothes and other things he thought would be prudent.  Almost all of the money he had gotten was gone.  He was careful to make sure he kept at least four hundred sil on him just in case.  Rachel walked into the room and starred at the bags.

“Did you buy enough clothes?’ she said with a laugh.

“I need to make sure I have enough clothes to get buy.  I don’t know how long I’ll be here or how long I’ll have between mission and finding the dragon gems.  I want to make sure I’m covered.”

“You look pretty covered to me.”

“Ya, but check it out.  This is all for living and stuff, I got a special outfit for missions and stuff.”

Jesse leapt up and grabbed one of the bags.  He pulled out the clothes and laid them out on a chair.  It took him a few minutes to get it all out and set up, when he was done he was beaming with happiness.  Rachel laughed at his pride and looked it up and down.  He had gotten black and gray, camo colored cargo pants with a matching belt.  Boots that looked light but still thick enough to be hard hitting.  A sleeveless, tight fitting, white hoodie and a thick kevlar vest to go over it.  For his hands he had boughten some simple black finger less gloves.  He had also bought some wrist bands, a red bandana, better riding goggles, and shoulder band that had a special pocket for his new zippo lighter.

“This is a lot of stuff.  Kinda heavy don’t you think?” asked Rachel.

“Well I can’t always fight in dragon form, I’ll need to be human when I do a lot of my missions.  This way I can still be protected when I do so.”

For the most part that was his reasoning.  There was also a part of him that wanted to look cool when he went on missions.

“Well now that you have the gear, do you have a plan?”

Jesse looked at the ground and sucked in his lips.

“Okay, well lets think about this.  You have no idea where any of these dragon gems are, or if the other sins know your here.  Besides it’s only been a couple days since your fight with Wrath, your body looks like it still needs at least one more day of healing.  I think we should take some time to form a game plan.”

Although he hated waiting, he knew Rachel was right.

“Wait, I know where one is.  Back up in the mountains where I met Nicholas.  He said there was on in the cave, next to the Tree of Life.  I’m sure if I free that dragon and get a chance to get in contact with that tree.  It’ll help me find the others.”


“I’ll use its roots to get into the Aura channel of the earth, and search for other clusters of Aura.  The gems are made of Gaia’s Aura anyway, they shouldn’t be hard to find.”

“Okay, so what after that?”

“I map out the locations.  And then come back here to prepare, then go out and find them all.”

“Sounds good, except our forgetting about the Sins.  There’s a good chance that they’ll be tracking you.  And if the first gem you found is any indication of what you’ll go through, you’ll need a few days to relax after freeing the dragons.”

“Right.  So I find a gem, come here to relax and do a few jobs, then go back out.  If I run into any Sins, I definitely have to come back and rest.”

“Right, never take any unnecessary risks.  If you need to, come back early and rest.”

“But I’ll never lead them back here.  This place needs to be hidden from them, I don’t want to put you or anyone else in any danger.  I’ll hide out somewhere, then come back as soon as I’m alone.”

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