Chapter Thirty Three

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MAY 2,1998

Snape knows... he knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade.

Ginny spoke quicky before my father chimed in

Many of you are surely wondering, why I have summoned you at this hour. It's come to my attention, that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade. Now should anyone student or staff attempt to aid Mr. Potter? They will be punished in a manner consistent with the severity of their transcription, further more Any person found have

knowledge of these events who fails to come forward... will be treated as equally guilty.

Another... If anyone in here has any knowledge of Mr. Potter's movements this evening.

I invite them to step forward.Now!

It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, still have a security problem, Headmaster. I'm afraid it's quite extensive. How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night? Tell them how you looked him in the eye A man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them! COWARD!!!

So much yelling at once as the order had stepped in i took my side along George looking up at my father in dispare as Lord Voldemorts voice ran through everyones head im sure

Harry. Potter? I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you might even think to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed.

Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have one hour.

Everyone had started like wild dogs i wasnt sure what was going on or what was happening for that matter!

What're you waiting for? Someone grab him!

Students out of bed! Students in the corridor!

They're supposed to be out of bed,you blithering idiot!

Sorry ma'am.

As it happens, Mr. FilchYour arrival is most opportune. If you would, I wouldd like you please, to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house, from the hall.

Exactly where is it I'll be leading 'em to, ma'am?

The dungeons would do. I presume you have a reason for returning, Potter. What is it you need?

Time, Professor. As much as you can get me.

Do what you have to do. I'll secure the castle. Potter It's good to see you.

It's good to see you too, Professor. Hold the fort, Neville.

"You do realize, of course, we can't keep out You-Know-Who indefinitely."

That doesn't mean we can't delay him. And his name is Voldemort. Filius, you might as well use it. He's come to try to kill you, either way!

Piertotum Locomotor.

Hogwarts is threatened. Man the boundaries! Protect us. Do your duty our school. I always wanted to use that spell!

Protego Maxima

Fianto Duri

Repello Inimigotum

Protego Maxima

Fianto Duri


Protego Maxima

Fianto Duri

Repello Inimigotum

Protego Maxima

My father had been with the dark lord most of the time i had seen George that once we kissed we hugged we said i love yous i just hoped that would not be the last time i would of seen him. My father stood in front of the dark lord.

I do not need to seek the boy...

You have performed extra-ordinary magic with this wand, My Lord,in the last few hours alone.

No! No! I am extra-ordinary. But the wand resists me

There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it.

Tonight, when the boy comes. It will not fail you, I am sure It answers to you, and you only.

Does it? My Lord? The wand, does it truly answer to me?

You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know

Where does its true loyalty lie?

With you...Of course, My Lord.

The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus.

While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever.

My Lord

Nagini, kill!:

Harry..In my last moments please tell my daughter, I am sorry and that if she goes into my desk in my private quaters she will find a note, adressed to her, please tell her i love her

I will professor i will

You've fought valiantly, but in vain I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat In their absence, dispose your dead with dignity,

Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die

for you, rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forrest ...and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me.

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