Chapter 13 Team building

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Hey all :D finally updated! I have two weeks (well, less now) till my exams, still a bit behind on my revision so wish me luck!

Meanwhile I will try to write whenever i have a moment to stop and catch a breath :)

Also I wanted you guys to know that I went to the Wattpad London meet up :D and it wasn't as good as I had hoped - more like super awkward. But I met some nice people and got freebies :)

Please comment and vote!


It would be a lie to say that I didn't scream. But I managed to hold back most of it and the sound that I ended up making was more like a small squeal.

'Chicken.' Tom snickered, I felt like hitting him but didn't in case I got Oscar instead. That guy is a total jerk. Can't believe I thought his accent was cute.

'What are we suppose to do?' I asked as the darkness surrounding us began to dissipated and saw that we were now crouched behind a battered old car in the corner of a dark, grey street, not unlike the one that I had my first encounter with a Legre.

'Just follow our lead, try not to touch anything, make any noise. And stay alive.' Tom said, casting me a backward glance while he carefully maneuver around the car. Oscar was doing the same thing on the other side and nodded for me to follow him.

Getting up cautiously I followed Oscar closely while remaining hidden behind the car. I was starting to feel a little unease about this exercise. The whole place felt so real with the grey mist swirling around the road and the dead, empty atmosphere.

'How do you know it's this way?' I whisper shouted at Tom as we crouch-walked through the street, staying in the middle of the road in a line with Tom at the front and me at the back.

Tom shot me a glare, but eventually spoke up. 'We were put in the middle of the town, we had done this exercise before, it's pretty straight forward, any direction is fine as long as we get out.'

I nodded, comfort by the fact that Tom and Oscar had done this before. With a jolt I realised I didn't even know what Oscar's power is. I will probably find out during this exercise though.

We move through the road cautiously. All the buildings were semi-destroyed and everything looked grey. The town was eerily quite as we meandered our way through the deserted streets.

'Great.' Tom said, a string of swear words left his mouth. We had just turned a corner and found the road was a sleeping Legre, in front of a pile of wrecked cars and crumpled building blocking off the road.

'Walk back slowly.' Tom said, raising a hand and taking very cautious step backward. I mimicked his motions while I took in the Legre. This one similar yet unlike that one that I encountered in London Citybase. They were both four footed with a sleek, leopard like built, but the resemblance ended there.

This creature was huge and chunky, with long strands of dark hair with streaks of white in. it looked like a mix of a wolf and leopard, lethal and feral.

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