Chapter 30 Run

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I had no idea why I was running.

The city before me was huge; I felt like I was in one of those slow motion moments in life where you see everything in extreme details. I was seeing through both my eyes and my mind – capturing every single movement and objects around me simultaneously. My eyes widened as I took in the derelict city; the once magnificent office towers had now reduced into crumbling blocks of concert with broken glass hanging off. My blindfold was being blow backwards by the wind and I could felt there was nothing in front of me for the next hundreds of meters. For now.

My watch beeped and emitted a 3-D holographic six digit numbers of the count down. Eight hours to go. Judging from the position of the Sun I assumed it was already past noon; we must had spent longer in the army truck then I thought. So if I don’t hurry up I might have to face the Ruin in night time.

So I ran.  I hopped through rabbles and hid under abandoned building, pausing at every turns and corners to search for Legres in the area and avoiding any that came my way, however there wasn’t anything at all. I wasn’t sure if we needed to do some hands on combat in order to pass this test, but I needed to save my strength for the rest of the journey.

My heart pound loudly and I could hear the rush of blood against my ears. So far there were two people who got taken out of the test. A helicopter flew in and rescued them out. I hadn’t encounter anyone else on my way yet. The two POEs in my area at the beginning must had chosen a different way out of the city.

I was starting to feel tired from all the running. I really should have just speed walked. Just as I felt like a giant idiot I sensed something approaching from the east with an abnormally high speed. Startled, I froze on the spot and turned to the direction where it’s coming from.

Not a moment too soon, a ginormous creature crushed across the road to my right and glided straight towards me. It was covered in short, dark fur and resembled a leopard, only three times larger. We locked eyes for a split second and without any hesitation I established the strongest mind wall I could muster in the space of three second and wrapped it around myself.

A loud thud echoed from the point of contact between the Legre and my mind wall and the collision re-vibrated through my body like a shock wave nearly throwing me into the air. My vision wavered for a second and my head felt heavy from the force of the impact; but even in my state of mental condition I could still see the Legre being propelled in the opposite direction like a Frisbee.

Seizing the moment I immediately began to run in the opposite direction. . It was impossible for it to be anything less than a Class C; I could see intelligence in the Legre’s eyes clearly. So what on Earth was it doing in a Class E test?

I could feel the Legre getting up again and started to charge towards me and I ran faster. My head began to clear as I gain speed and I began to worry.

Where was everyone? And where are the teachers and staff? I turned around and saw the Legre gaining on me, saliva spraying from its roaring mouth and I blasted a mind wall back. However this didn’t have as good an effect as it did last time, merely delaying him for a minute or two.

I pushed myself faster, wind blew my hair away from my face and I scanned my surrounding for somewhere to hide, knowing that I could only outrun the Legre for so long.  I kept blasting mind wall backwards to detain the Legre, but I was running out of breath and growing more tired by the minute.

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