Chapter 3: idk

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Dark pov
Today was the day. We were going to kidnap our target. We means Shadow and me.

But before we did so we watched the first battle, Mario Vs Mr. Game and Watch. It was really exciting, both of them being very skilled fighters. You could not even tell who was stronger or who would win.

"Wanna make a bet?" Shadow asked me. "Sure, about what?" "Who's gonna win the battle. I bet Mario will" "Ok. I bet Mr. Game and Watch will win. What will the winner get?" "The winner gets to drug the target, deal? " He hold his hand out for me and I shook it "Deal"

We turned our gazes back to the fight and started cheering for the fighters,but not loud enough for anyone to hear.

Sadly, Mr. Game and Watch lost "Seems like you won." I said while patting Shadows back. Said person was smiling from ear to ear "I always wanted to drug someone" He looked at me and I looked at him and we both started laughing like idiot."Well today's​ gonna be you big day!" I managed to get out between laughing and gasping for air. "Finally! I waited so long for this day" Shadow already had tears in his eyes.

We both calmed down and left our watching point and made our way towards the mansion and the room that belonged  to our target.

Link pov
The first smash/battle/whatever you want to call it was amazing. I was already exited for the next one and I hoped that my first smash/battle/whatever you want to call would be soon. I could not wait.

I turned my attention towards Pit and Samus arguing about who could or should be the next fighters, what stage it should be, how many it should be and if it should be a battle royal or a team match. Peach decided to join in and soon it was a complete mess and they were talking about everything. I chuckled softly at this

Soon we reached our final destination, the mansion, and entered it. Everyone went their separate ways. I searched for Zelda and soon found her. "Hello Link" I nodded my had as a greeting. "What do you want to do? Go to the library?" She knew I liked reading, even if I wasn't the fastest one at it, I really enjoyed those colourful stories that let me forget what happened. I nodded and we headed towards it.

We spent the rest of the day there, till we both decided it was to late to continue reading. We said goodbye and went to our rooms.

I entered the dark room and yawned slightly (I just yawned my self XD) while switching the lights on. I sat on my bed. Suddenly I felt a dark presence behinds me. I wanted to turn around but it was like something or someone was holding me back. I felt a short pain in my neck, just like someone had given me a shot.

I could turn now but when I did everything started to spin and to blur in and out. My vision and mind went black and I felt like falling. Then everything faded as I blacked out.

~time skip to were link is awake~
I blinked my eyes to clear my vision. Where ever I was, it wasn't that bright. I didn't even try to sat up because I knew it wouldn't work. I could hear footsteps and turned so I faced the direction they were coming from.

My dark version was sitting on a bed and looked at me "You're awake. Finally! I thought we killed you" I looked confused at him "Oh and you don't need to pretend that you can not speak. I know you can. So use you beautiful voice and speak with me" He said beautiful in a sarcastic way. I felt that I could sit up now and did so while thinking about a question. "What do you want ?" (Isn't it obvious, he wants your viginity Link) "That's a good question... And I will of course answer to that. Just let me think how I should explain it" I looked at him with a waiting look while he searched for the right words "Well it's like this..."

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