special chapter

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For: bkracergt , sorry for the long wait. I know I'm an asshole,also I thought about making smut in here but I didn't, in the end. I try to update the next real chapter tomorrow or Friday.  I hope you like it.

Dark pov
School is... Ok. I mean, you have to work hard to achieve your goals, but there are also a lot of fun things. Like falling in love and having the same classes as your crush. But falling in love is the best thing, out of these two. Why? Well you mostly fall for a random person after you talked with them or after you bumped into them in the hall. Sometimes it's love at the first sigh and sometimes it takes years for you to even notice the person, or for the person to notice you... There are also different typs of how people behave around their crush. Some blush around like crazy and can't talk properly, some act like they won't notice their crush, some hurt them in different ways and others just tell him or her right away.

So, how am I behaving around my crush? I get slightly nervous around him, yes him I'm gay. I don't want to let anything slip out to him by accident. I mean, what if he's not gay nor bi or what if he hates me or if he's homophobic? No wait, cross that, the two last things could never be right. He is one of the most nicest persons I know in this school, he likes almost everyone. Oh and he looks like an angel: blond hair, blue eyes and his smile is sweeter than suga(r). His name is Link and he is perfect.Sadly I am not the only one who thinks like that. A lot of girl and some boys like him too. I bet that he already has a girl-or-boyfriend, sadly.

Anyways, the lesson me and that angel called Link where in was about to end. Just a few more minutes... Seconds... Aaaaaaand "Ok, the lesson is over, have a nice weekend and don't forget the homework" Our teacher Ms.Impa ended her lesson. Just a few more hours and school would be over and the weekend would begin.

But now, lunch! Shadow walked up to me. "So, how was observing your crush?" He nudged me with his elbow, I laughed and shoved him away playfully. We entered the lunch hall and went to sit at our usual table. "Next lesson is gym, right?" I nodded as an answer for his question and he wiggled with his eyebrows. I simply rolled my eyes at that, but still laughed.

"Um, hey uh could I sit here too?" Link sweet voice and his arm on my shoulder made me look up into those beautiful blue eyes. "Sure!" Shadow, who was faster than me, answered... Not that I had any complaints with his answer. "Thank you" Link sat down next to me, while doing so our arms and legs brushed together, it was great (as long as he doesn't get hard from that), lunch break was great!

Sadly it ended at some point. But that meant I could see Link getting undressed, ok he was still wearing something but you get my point. We stood up, gathered our things and walked to gym class.

~Small time skip after gym class~

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! It was horrible, I mean, I liked it but... Links t-shirt always moved so that everyone could see his wonderful body,Arggghg!

We had to do partner work and I was paired with my, not blood related, sister Midna. Link was paired with Cia, I wished it was Lana. Why? They are twins and both of them have a crush on him, but Lana is hiding it like me, Cia on the other hand... Well she most likely shoved her breasts into his face.Good thing he wasn't one of these playboys who would take every girl.

Well anyways, it's over now and, sadly, i am one of the last ones to shower, yes we shower here, the otheres were faster then me. I relaxed when the cool water hit my back and let out a long sign.

The door to the shower room opend "So I'm not the only one that is late, huh?" Great, a naked Link stood before me. And I? I was screaming on the inside. "Yeah, i hate it too when I have to shower alone... I mean just here not at home." CODE RED CODE RED RETREAT!!!!!!!!!

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