A Man From Texas

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Words in bold italics are being said by the emcee.


I took a bus to Olympia, a municipal place to Seatac, a commercial plane to Honolulu, and a cab to the Comedium, the venue for the USACC. I am so glad to finally be on my legs again.

I got into the backstage area, 10 minutes before the contestants are introduced.
"Are you Washington's representative?" A lady with a clipboard asked me.
"I'm glad you made it in time. You're the last one here!"
"Please welcome the head of DeCom, Dean Kennedy!"
She pulled me over to the room where the other contestants were just as the head of DeCom got on stage, and the audience made the loudest applause I ever heard. They're probably just kissing up to him because each member of the audience wants their state to be named "The Best."

"Man, those people are viciously competitive," someone with a thick southern accent said behind me.
I turned around, and a hunky cowboy about a foot taller than me, with shiny black hair and icy blue eyes, smiled a gorgeous white smile at me.
"Uh..." I stumbled. "Yeah... I hope my twenty guests don't get threatened by these people. Green Lake is no metropolis."
"You're Washington's guy, aren't you?"
"Now, please welcome last year's winner, Lisa Holly, from Washington DC, as she gives the traditional 'good luck' speech to this year's contestants."
"Yeah." I said. "How'd you know I'm from Washington?"
"Because Green Lake made news. Not a lot of small town people get in. It's usually big cities. In fact, only 5 small towners have been in the contest since it began in 1890, and none of them won."
"You sure know a lot about comedy."
"I've been a comedian since before I was born. Luke Gillespie. Austin, Texas."
"Henry Garvey. Green Lake, Washington. Wait you already knew that. I must look really stupid right now."
"Naw. It's kinda cute seeing you fluster like that."
"I'm cute?" I said, blushing.
"Yeah, but in the nervous, flustered kinda way."
Yeah, my face is glowing red right now. Let's change the subject.
"So, has Washington ever won the USACC?"
"Yeah. 5 times. The first time they won, 1897, their contestant was Hillary Boggs from Seattle, the first woman to be allowed entry into the contest, and the only woman that year."
"Yeah, it really opened windows for women in comedy."
"Hey, be honest, do you think I have a chance?"
"I dunno, li'l buddy. You've got a lot of competition. I mean, I'm from the comedy capital of America. And you've also got a girl who writes for Saturday Night Live!"
"Oh man!" I said as we headed over to a couch by the snack table. "I've got to up my game!"
"Don't worry, Green. You'll be fine if you just stay confident."
"Oh God. That nickname's going to stick isn't it?"
"Well then, I hope you don't mind if I call you... 'cowboy.'"
"Not at all. That's my stage name anyway."
We laughed, and then started talking more. He is really interesting.
Wow. Am I crushing or what?

"From Nashville, Tennessee: Julia Leon!"
"Oop! I'm next!" He said.
As he walked away, I couldn't help but watch as he walked away. He. Is. HOT.
"From Austin, Texas: 'Cowboy' Luke Gillespie!"
I'd better get ready. My introduction is coming up soon.

Wait... I thought I saw... No, it couldn't have been.

I waited a minute while the contestants for US Military, the US Virgin Islands, Utah, and Virginia were introduced.
Finally, it was my turn to walk across the stage.

"From Green Lake, Washington: Henry Garvey!"
While most of the audience politely clapped, my 20 people stold up in the front row and cheered me on.
And I knew back home, the rest of Green Lake was watching from the club as I walked across that stage, about to give the best performances of my life.

I went back to the backstage area, and met Luke again.

"Hey, Green. How was it?"
"Pretty thrilling. I mean, I was nervous at first, but I can't beleive I'm actually here! I'm..."
"And finally, from Cheyenne, Wyoming: Edward Jacobs!"

Oh no.

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