4th of July, Part 1

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My life is going great right now. I have an awesome boyfriend, I won the West Region Round, and I found 100 dollars on my way into the hotel.
I used that money to take Luke to dinner at a real Hawaiian barbeque restaurant.

But even in all the happiness, there was still one figurative dark cloud hanging over us.
On July 5th, I would go back to Green Lake, and Luke would go back to Austin.

We had fun on our date, but when we got to the hotel, Luke said something.
"We should rest up for the big night tomorrow, so let's sleep in our own rooms tonight."
Out of nowhere, I fell on the floor crying.
"Henry? What's wrong?"
"It's just that... the contest ends soon, and I'm going to Green Lake, and you're going to Austin. We're going to be 2000 miles apart. We only have 2 more days together."
"Henry. I love you. 2000 miles is nothing if it means we can stay together. I want us to work."
"So do I."
Luke gave me a passionate kiss, and went into his room.
And I went into mine.

"Good luck, honey." I said as Henry got on stage.

"Please welcome: from Annapolis, Maryland, the East Round winner, Veronica Baker! From Cheyenne, Wyoming, the Central Round winner, Edward Jacobs! And from Green Lake, Washington, the West Region winner, Henry Garvey!"

Veronica went on first.
I didn't listen to her, though. I was pacing back and forth behind the stage.
All three comics were on stage, two sitting down while the other performed.
I love Henry. I want to be with him. But what if long distance takes its toll on us?

"Time's up! Give it up for Veronica! Now, please welcome Edward!"
Wow. Was I really pacing for 10 minutes?
You know what? I have a plan.
I got on my phone, and looked something up.
I searched through numerous websites.

"Time's up! Give it up for Edward! Now, please welcome Henry!"
Wait. Is this a good idea? We've only been dating 5 days.

Henry started his act.
"Before I start, I want to thank a special man I met this week. We started off as competitors, but we fell in love. And soon, he'll be headed home to Texas. I just wanted to tell him that he is really special to me."

You know what? I'm doing it.
I got my phone back out, and pressed 'submit application for this apartment.'

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