The Rival

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I went over to the other side of the stage, to say hello to my "dear friend."

"Hello Edward."
"Well, well. Henry. How 'nice' to see you again."
"You look great. I hate that."
"Thanks. After I left Green Lake, the fat shrank and the muscles grew. And I got contacts and a dye job."
Yes, he did look better than he did 3 years ago. His red hair was dyed to look strawberry blonde, and he was fit.
"I didn't know DeCom allowed evil in the USACC."
"Oh come on, Henry. Let's face it, I've toured the country with my comedy, while you've performed in one town your entire life."
"For your information, I've performed during the 2016 Olympia Pride Festival."
"Oh yeah."
"I will not let you get to me."
"I will beat you, punk."
"Hey! Is there a problem over here?" Luke said, coming over.
"Oh look. You've got a bodyguard." Edward said. "How ya doing, Cowboy Luke?"
"Listen, I don't much about the history between you two, but stay the hell away from him, Edward."
"Fine. But I am going to win. I will beat you. This year, Wyoming will be 'The Best State!'"
"Contestants, please line up on the main stage as we kick off the USACC!"

We went onstage together, but me and Luke separated from Edward.
As Dean Kennedy gave the last speech of the night, Luke whispered to me.
"Listen, I know this is is kind of forward, but do you want to grab dinner tomorrow? Neither of our regions are performing."
"Uh, sure."
Holy crap. Is he asking me as a friend or as a date?
I'll find out soon.

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