Waterpark Revelation

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I was consoling Luke in my room.
"Hey, you made it this far. You were one of 57 people picked out of... something million Americans!" I said.
"I know... I just really wanted to beat Edward for you."
"That's sweet, Cowboy. But we need to work on my act."
"You're right. So what do you think..."


"Did you order something?" I asked.
I went over to the door.
"Aloha, sirs. Some guests in this hotel sent you this," A waiter said.
He handed me a comically large bottle of champagne and a small box of chocolates.
"Thank you," I said.
"You're quite welcome. And please check out our waterpark out back."
He left.

I read the tag.
"From the Green Earth 20. Go get 'em, Henry!"
"Wow. That's pretty cool."
"I know. But let's drink this after we finish up in here."
"Right. But then just one drink when we do."
"Oh yeah. You don't want throw up on a waterslide."

We finished.
"Ok. I will open the the champagne," said Luke.
He took the cap off, and prepared the cork.
3... 2... 1...
Pop! The cork went flying onto the mattress, inches away from me.
"Whoa!" I yelped.
"Sorry. Did I get ya?"
"Dude. That cork's the size of a pineapple. You 'get' me, you kill me."
We poured glasses, and watched a little TV, before heading down to the waterpark.

"So, tell me more about Green Lake," he said, as we were walking over to the raft slide.
"Oh. Um, well, it's not much. Population is 2,000. Very liberal town. There's a hospital, town hall, and comedy club."
"We also have a public community school, community college, and comedy training center."
"Well, whoever founded that has their head the right place."
"Well thank you."
"Really? You founded it?"
"Yup. To train the future comedians and comediennes of Thurston County, Washington."
"Cool."  He said as we got into the raft, and waited for the other seats to fill.
"Wait a minute. You said, when we met, that I made news. Wouldn't you have known about the academy if I made news?"
"To be honest, I just read headlines. But I saw your picture, and you looked really handsome."
"Wow. That's really SWEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

I guess the raft was full now, because the raft sailed down the water slide.

"So why did you want to know about Green Lake?" I asked as we waited for the next waterslide.
"I just wanted to know. It's really cool that I'm dating the only small town USACC contest they've accepted since 1998."
"You are so amazing."

You are so amazing? Oh no. I see where this is going.
Am I ready to say-
"I love you."
Oops. I just did.
Henry's eyes widened.
"Green, these last few days with you have been amazing, but the contest is almost over. You'll probably forget about me, so I just wanted to tell you now. That way, I can tell if this is real, or just a fling."
"Of course this is real. I love you too."
We kissed, and the crowd around around us awwed.

We went down the waterslide, and cuddled in the shallow end of the pool until it closed.
We went upstairs, showered, and spent the night together in my room.
As boyfriends.

USA Comedy ContestOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz