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It has been 3 weeks since I've seen Luke.
I've gone on stage since I came back, but only a few times I have been really busy.
The 5 million dollars I won have gone to good use. Taking care of payments, updating the comedy club and the comedy school, and I donated the rest to charity.
Washington is now the best state. You know, until we pass it off to next year's winner. I even heard that next year, they're only going to have small town contestants, just to see how it turns out.
Plus, the trophy is a really great addition to the club.

But I still can't help but think about Luke.
"I miss Luke," I mumbled to myself one night, while in the club having dinner. No one was on stage.
"Yeah, he was a good one, Green."
I turned in my seat, and almost fell out.
I pulled him into a passionate kiss.
"What are doing here?"
"I live here now."
"Luke... this is..."
"I wanted to surprise you."

Luke had applied for the vacant apartment next door to mine, and he got approved.
He joined me at the comedy academy, as co-owner, and co-stand-up-teacher.

I'm so glad my town sent in the application.
If they didn't, I never would've gone to Honolulu, I never would've won the USACC, I never would've patched things up with my ex...

...and I never would've met the love of my life.

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