Characters(Part 1)

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Name: (Y/n) Adrienne

Age: 15 years old

Height: 155 cm

Race: Demon (Originally Human)

(y/n) is a Demon Queen of Pride, Lucifer. She has a sister named Keira Adrienne. She is known as a Tsundere and arrogant person. She is an indoor person. She loves drawing and writing poem. She may be a Pride demon but, she also had a softer side. She is a great warrior.

Name: Keira Adrienne

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Name: Keira Adrienne

Age: 17 Years old

Height: 164cm

Race: Demon (Originally Human)  

Keira is (y/n) older sister. She is The Demon Queen of Envy,Leviathan. She loves cats and handsome boys. She always feels envy toward someone whenever she sees any beautiful accessories. She can be a ruthless killer if she mad. She is very protective towards (Y/n).

Name: Shouichi Tanabe

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Name: Shouichi Tanabe

Age: 25 years old

Height: 178 cm

Race: Demon (Originally Human)  

He is The Demon King of Wrath,Satan. He is the brain of the 7 sins demon as he possess a great intelligence. He is also a great warrior. He can get angry easily. Like (Y/n), he also had a softer side of him. He loves reading and training. He calls (y/n) 'chick' as she is the smallest among them. He can get embarassed easily. 

Name: Miharu Kagerou

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Name: Miharu Kagerou

Age: 20 years old

Height: 185 cm

Race: Demon (Originally Human)  

He is The Demon King of Lust,Asmodeus. He's a bisexual. He loves flirting with young girls and boys. His hobby is flirting and cooking chinese foods. He is the most appealing as he's an Asmodeus. He was good at tricking peoples. He calls everyone 'chan'. 

Name: Narita Nakamura

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Name: Narita Nakamura

Age: 23 years old

Height: 170 cm

Race: Demon (Originally Human)  

He is The Demon King of Greed,Mammon. He is a professional person. He is very rich and even have three cars at his home. His hobby is collecting money and finding sales. He often cook by himself just to keep his money. He calls everyone by their last name. He can get jealous easily.

Name: Haruka Kimi

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Name: Haruka Kimi

Age: 19 years old

Height: 180 cm 

Race: Demon (Originally Human)  

He is The Demon King of Sloth, Belphegor. He always spend his whole time on bed. He thinks Narita is an annoying person. He loves sleeping and listening to music. He is also a calm person in all situation. He also loves to sing.

Name: Rei Touji

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Name: Rei Touji

Age: 17 years old

Height: 175 cm

Race: Demon (Originally Human)  

He is The Demon King of Glutton, Beelzebub. He loves eating until he won't share his food with anyone. He is a happy person but, he also has a mature side.He enjoys teasing others. He will only share his food with the loved one. He is also a great warrior.

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