Characters(Part 2)

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Name: Wyvorn Rythern

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Name: Wyvorn Rythern

Age: 26 years old 

Height: 187 cm

Race: Demon

He is also known as Abaddon. He is very obsessed about Kakuji(will be introduced). He may be cheerful on the outside but, he hid a sadist side of him if someone try to hurt Kakuji. He loves playing hide-and-seek with his underlings or enemies. He is (y/n)'s rival. He is The Demon of Destruction. He is a yandere.

Name: Kotetsu Akutagawa

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Name: Kotetsu Akutagawa

Age: 18 years old

Height: 173 cm

Race: Demon  

He is Wyvorn's loyal follower. He is a calm and loyal person but, he is also a shy person. He is a demon. He is always become Wyvorn's test material after Wyvorn make his experiment. Thanks to his magic left eyes, he can still alive. He loves nature and cute things. He is Narita's rival. He always cries as he always worried if Wyvorn hurt his older brother.

Name: Shojiro Asahara

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Name: Shojiro Asahara

Age: 23 years old

Height: 183 cm

Race: Demon  

He is Wyvorn's follower. He is also the messenger of Wyvorn. He is short-tampered and a mischievious person. He loves pulling pranks on Tessai and bullying Riku. He is Keira's rival. But, he still loyal to Wyvorn. 

Name: Tessai Kuramoto

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Name: Tessai Kuramoto

Age: 20 years old

Height: 180 cm 

Race: Demon   

He is Wyvorn's follower. He is the brain of the antagonist team. He is a serious and good looking person. Altough there are too many girls that attracted to him, he always reject them as he shy with girls.He is annoyed with Shojiro as he always pulling pranks on him. He loves reading and investigating things. He is Shouichi's rival. He become the antagonist's spy to get information on the enemies.

Name: Tomokazu Ishiguro

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Name: Tomokazu Ishiguro

Age: 19 years old

Height: 179 cm

Race: Demon  

He is Wyvorn's follower. He is very caring toward his friends. He is a cheerful person and really caring toward Kotetsu as he thinks that Kotetsu is sad because the way Wyvorn treats him and his brother. He loves training and spending times with his friends. He is Haruka's rival. 

Name: Riku Yuhara

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Name: Riku Yuhara

Age: 16 years old 

Height: 158 cm

Race: Demon  

She is Wyvorn's follower. She is nice towards everyone until Shojiro loves to bully her. She is a shy person and often run yo Tessai if Shojiro bullies her (Altough she know that she will be pushed by Tessai as he is not good with girls). She loves cleaning and helping her friends. She is Rei's rival.

Name: Shoko Hitomi

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Name: Shoko Hitomi

Age: 17 years old

Height: 160 cm

Race: Demon  

She is Wyvorn's follower. She is a wild girl who loves to rampaging and teasing Tessai by touching him. She also had a crush on Tomokazu. She has a nice side that she actually care about Riku. She loves Riku like her own sister. She is Miharu's rival.

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