Chapter 7

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Kakuji's POV

I went home with Shin. He looked ashamed by something I don't know. Maybe he had done something behind me. Well, it's okay.. My wish had come true when the limousine stopped in front of our mansion. I just want to jump on my bed and had a nice sleep. When I was about to lay on my bed, a butler asked me to take a bath before sleep.

Ah... I completely forgot that I need a shower. I rose from my bed and reached for my towel. I walked slowly inside the bathroom and slipped my clothes from my body and turn on the shower. It was cold. I hope that someone will warm me up. 

It remind me of that girl embracing me in the art room at school. It was so warm. I hope I she would warm me up anytime again. I began to feel curious about that girl. Was she really the 'Demon Queen of Pride'? She was so rude when she tugged my shirt. But, she became a gentle girl after she saw me crying.

I am so idiot! How could I cry in front a small girl like her? Why did I let her comfort me? I didn't need those affection. I just want my memory. NO! I need it! I wanted to know the truth!!

After taking a shower, I didn't felt like sleeping anymore. I went into my bedroom and flipped open my drawing book. I wanted to draw something. Maybe I will draw a girl with (H/c) and (E/c) with a cute smile on her face. 

I took my 2B pencil and started to draw her figure. After a few hours, I checked at the picture closely. Damn! I can't believe that I drew (Y/n)! What is happening to me? Why did I remember her now? Did she put on some spells on me? 

That's not it. She just hugged me I fell asleep in her arm. I was confident that she would never do that. Somehow, she was a nice girl... 

Suddenly, I coughed loudly. Damn it! Shin must heard that! I took a handkerchief to cover my mouth and to lower my voice down. I heard Shin shouted from the outside, "Nii-san, are you okay?" I tried to conceal my illness from Shin, "I'm okay! Don't you worry!" I heard a small sigh, "Okay then, nii-san. Good night.." I replied, "Good night too, Shin."

I decided to go at the balcony at my room. It felt so cold and nice. I looked at the handkerchief again, Guh! there's too much blood!  I looked at the starry night ahead and talked to myself, "It's good enough that Shin still didn't know about me got this disease. I need to be aware from now on."

No One's POV

A man with black jacket appeared from the bushes and chuckled. Kakuji looked at this stranger. The stranger raised his head towards Kakuji as a smirk formed on his face, "Getting aware from you dear brother find out that his precious one had a Asthesio Seritis disease?" Kakuji glared at him with fury, "Just who the hell are you?" The man in black didn't answer his question as he jumped and started to attack Kakuji. While he still in the air, he threw a magic ball at Kakuji's direction. Kakuji put his hand on the air as he summoned a magic shield, "Schild!"

The man balled a fist and summoned something, "Lange speer summon!" A long spear appeared on his balled fist. He attacked the shield continuously. Kakuji just hold the shield until he coughed again. Blood spilled on the floor. The shield had gone.

He felt that his knee started to become soft as he fell on the floor. The man put his spear at the wall and pushed Kakuji to the wall. He hold his hand so he can't ran from him.

An evil smirk curved on his face, "Finally, we met Kakuji Tsutsumi. Didn't you miss me?" Kakuji glared at him, "Who are you and what do you want from me?" The mysterious guy grabbed his chin and made Kakuji looked straight at him. "Who am? I am called Wyvorn Rythern. You may call me Wyvorn. What do I want from you? I didn't need anything from you. I need you, Kakuji-kun."

Kakuji shot him with a weak glare, "You want me? What do I have that you need to find me?" Wyvorn's eyes widen then he laughed, "Isn't it obvious? I want to meet you! I missed you! I had been searching for you after the castle had burned. Now, I found you here...." He stroked Kakuji's hair softly and Kakuji felt strange from his touch. He slapped Wyvorn's hand from his head, "Stop it! I don't know you! Go away!"

Wyvorn snapped as he clicked his tongue. A dangerous aura formed at his surrounding. He glared at Kakuji with a dangerous look, "Kakuji-kun... You started to resist my touch? Before this, you just let me hug you and now you refuse to let me even touch you?" Kakuji can sense the danger around. Wyvorn grinned evilly at Kakuji as he walked closer, "Looks like there is someone that I need to discipline for his bad behavior!"

When Wyvorn was just about to grab Kakuji's hand harshly, a magic fire blast came from somewhere and it was about to hit Wyvorn. Wyvorn jumped on a tree and tried to searched for the person who attacked him just now. He leave Kakuji at the balcony alone. His black orb was wandering around and saw a blonde male with big round glasses.

"Well well, looks like that we had an uninvited guest. Did Kakuji-kun invited you here, Satan?"

The long haired blonde galred at Wyvorn, "Tch! Get lost, motherfucker! I only came here because Malphas asked me to. Go away, homo!" Wyvorn took a glance at Kakuji, "Well, I will come again here someday to punish both of you. Farewell..." A black magic surrounds him and he just disappeared like that.

Kakuji looked at the man who had saved him earlier. He saw a stern man with long blonde hair and wore a big round glasses. Kakuji jumped from the balcony and stood in front of the man. Kakuji kept his expressionless face and bowed 90 degree at his savior, "Thank you for saving me from that man, Mister.." The man's eyes widen and roared out loudly, "MISTER?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? I'M STILL NOT MARRIED, OKAY?"

Kakuji bowed his head lower, "I'm sorry. If I can't call you by that, what can I call you?" The man clicked his tongue, "Just call me Tanabe-san. Don't misunderstood. I didn't came here to save your ass. I came here for an investigation." Kakuji raised his head and looked at Shouichi curiously, "What kind of investigation?"

Shouichi sighed and grabbed Kakuji's shoulder, "Look kid, he is Abaddon. He had killed someone in the afterlife. After that incident at the afterlife and just now, I think I already know his intention of ruining the afterlife." Kakuji make sure that he choose his words correctly, "And... what would that be?"

"He wanted you....."


Tada! I'm sorry if this chapter is pretty boring. Anyway I hope you enjoy it~

Me: Shou-chan! You better take care of Kakuji!!

Shouichi: Shut up! I'm not his babysitter!!

Kakuji: That's true. I'm a grown boy already.

Wyvorn: But... Kakuji-kun still need my affection.. Hey! Author-chan, wanna play hide-and-seek with me? I'm going to count!

Me: Okay!!! See you again next time~ 

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