Chapter 8

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Shouichi's POV

I walked straight to my apartment after Abaddon tried to kidnap that brat. I still don't understand why did he wanted that boy. No, also wanted other people than that boy. Maybe Malphas? I don't know. 

I opened the doorknob as I saw my room mate was cooking in the kitchen. Morine Tetsuji, my lab assistant and also my room mate. I kicked my shoes away as I greeted him, "I'm home!" He peeked from the kitchen with a frying pan in his hand, "Welcome home, Tanabe-senpai!" I walked lazily toward the sofa and threw myself on it. It felt so good....

Suddenly, my cellphone rang and I picked it up lazily. I put the speaker at my ear and I heard a girl's voice from it, "Hello? Is this Neko Kyun~Kyun-chan?" FUCK! It's that annoying little girl! I replied her furiously, "It's me and.. STOP CALLING ME BY THAT ANNOYING NAME!!! IT'S LIKE A SHIT!!!!"  "Oh really?~ Then, you only have two choices. You wanted me to call you 'Mrs. Kagerou' or 'Neko Kyun~Kyun-chan'? Choose wisely~"

I just ended the call as I don't want her to annoy me anymore. Morine came to me and sat beside me on the sofa.He stared at me with a wide smile. I looked at him and asked him, "What?" He just smiled and he finally answered my question, "Tanabe-senpai, did you know that the professor had assigned a new assistant for you?" My eyes widen, "Really? The professor never informed me about that!" He scratched his head, "Well, professor did told me to inform this to you as you suddenly gone from the university. He said that new assistant is an intelligent person but, he is a serious person. The new assistant will come tomorrow."

"Is he handsome?" A third person's voice came between us. I looked at that person and I saw (Y/n) was eating a piece of cake that Morine baked yesterday. Where did she came from? How can either of us realized that the was here? Maybe she was here for a long time.

I took the cake from her hand and yelled at her, "YOU CHICK!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHEN DID YOU GET IN HERE?" She pulled my shirt, "Hey! Give me back that cake! I still want to eat it!" Morine pointed his finger to (Y/n) and asked, "Tanabe-sanpai, who is she?" I focused on Morine's question and answered him, "This is (Y/n) Adrienne. She is my friend." Morine grabbed her hand and smiled happily at her, "Hi, (Y/n)-chan! My name is Tetsuji Morine. You may call me Tetsuji-kun. Nice to meet you!" (Y/n) smiled, "Hi, Tetsuji-kun. Your senior is an asshole, you know!" 

I balled my fist and shouted at her, "FUCK YOU!!!" She looked at me like there was nothing happened just now, "No way! I can't let you fuck me! I'm still a virgin, okay?" I heard Morine sighed and stopped us, "Please stop it you two. Don't fight here, okay?" 

(Y/n) turned her face toward Morine and smiled annoyingly, "Okay! I will stop only for Tetsuji-kun. He is really nice. Unlike that big-mouthed guy over there!" Ugh! I hate this chick!


No One's POV

Shouichi and Tetsuji did their work normally at the university. A sound of leather could be heard from their lab as someone was approaching the lab. Then, a young male slide the lab's door and entered the lab. He looked neat. His long orange hair was tied neatly and he wore a oval-shaped glasses. Without any word, he bowed in front of the two student and introduced himself, "Good morning, Tanabe-senpai and Morine-senpai. My name is Tessai Kuramoto and I will behave as long as I work here. Please teach me if I make a mistake in my work. It's a pleasure to meet you." 

Tetsuji gasped and his eyes widen, "Wow! He's an extremely serious person. He called me 'Morine -senpai'? He must be younger than the both of us." 

Shouichi stared at the new assistant and introduced himself and Morine, "Okay. My name is Shouichi Tanabe and this is Tetsuji Morine. I appreciate your spirit to work here. If you slacked from your work, you will get a nice smack from me right at your face, got that?" Tessai stood straightly and nodded, "I understand! I will do my best!"    

The oldest slide the door open and looked at his two assistant, "Both of you can take your break now. I just want to buy some coffee there. Come here quickly after the break time is over." He closed the door slowly and the two assistant just stood there quietly. The new assistant looked at the older one and started a conversation, "What should we do now?" The older one glanced at the younger, "Let's go to the cafeteria. We need to eat something." Tessai straighten his glasses and nodded, "Okay....."

Those two students walked to the cafeteria and took their seat. They did talked each other while enjoying the meals. Suddenly, the orange haired male asked something, "Did you know a girl named (Y/n) Adrienne?" Tetsuji did surprised at his question. But, he answered, "I do know (Y/n)-chan and she became my best friend beside Tanabe-senpai." The younger looked curious, "Your best friend?" A complete silence came between them.

Tessai stared at his senior, "Which is mean, you had a good relationship with her and you were close?" Tetsuji smiled, "Yeah."

Tessai re-position his glasses and answered, "Okay then. I completely understand that." Tetsuji stood from seat and took his tray along. He then walked toward the lab together. Tessai grabbed Tetsuji's shirt like he wanted to ask something, Tetsuji looked at the boy, "What is it, Tessai-kun?" He just didn't let go of Tetsuji's shirt and asked, "May I go to the toilet for a while?" Tetsuji laughed a little as he thinks that Tessai was so cute. He then patted his head, "Yes, you may go. But, please hurry up or Tanabe-senpai will be furious with us." Finally, Tessai let go of his shirt and bowed, "Thank you, Morine-senpai!"

He dashed to the toilet. Tetsuji looked at him and sighed. Without waiting for Tessai, he walked alone toward the lab and met Shouichi. Shouichi stared at Tetsuji like he had lost something, "Hey, where is that small guy?" Tetsuji giggled, "He went to the toilet and you called him 'that small guy'? Tanabe-senpai, you're the smallest one among us." Shouichi's face turned to bright red and shouted at Tetsuji, "SHUT UP!!!"


Tessai flipped his phone open and dialed someone from it. He put the speaker closer to his ear and heard a man's voice from it. The man's voice said, "Tessai, did you met Satan?" He answered with a serious tone, "Yes, I had found him and I became his lab assistant. Based from the information I had gathered just now, Satan's other assistant had a good relationship with Lucifer."

The man thought for a while before he ordered something, "Is that so? Then, I order you to dig as many information about Lucifer from that guy and inform me about Satan's power level from time to time. Satan, he had stopped me from getting Kakuji-kun recently and I will make sure that he will suffer. You got that, Tessai?"

Tessai pushed his glasses up, "Understood." The man spoke, "Well then, I want you to play hide-and-seek with me after school." Tessai face palmed and sighed quietly, "Understood."


I'm sorry if this chapter is pretty boring and make you sleepy. Anyway, the new character has appear. In the next chapter, more characters will appear and I hope you like it.

(Y/n): How dare he stole my cake?

Shouichi: And how dare you enter my house freely?

Tetsuji: Calm down, both of you....

Tessai: Wyvorn-sama, I found you.... -_-

Wyvorn: OH NO!!! You found me! You're just the smartest guy, aren't you?

Me:*Face palm* He's crazy! See you in the next chapter.....

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