Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV

I heard he said, "Game over....."

Suddenly, I felt pain on my back as the stranger kicked my back harshly, "GUH!" I tried to look at the man but, he kicked my face first on my nose. I tried to stand up and finally saw his face. He wore black jacket and a leather high-heeled boots. He had a spiky black hair and he had a spear in his hand.

I wiped my nose and picked up my sword. I smirked at him, "So, you're the infamous Abaddon who had killed a man at the afterlife and tried to kidnap Kakuji-kun? Easy to say, I was lucky to meet you here, Abaddon." He stood in front of me and crossed his arm, "Abaddon? Don't call me by that. I felt like a arrogant bastard. Just call me Wyvorn."

I glared at him, "And I didn't need you to call me Luci-chan. It's a sick name for a queen like me." Wyvorn laughed out loudly after he heard that phrase came out from my mouth, "You're funny! Shall I call you 'Your highness'?" I was furious and I charged at him and kicked him at his cheek. He held his bruised cheek and glared at me with a deadly glare, "How reckless, (Y/n)-chan. You do dare to hurt my beauty face? You will pay for it and I will make sure that you will suffer."

I held my sword tightly as I saw he charged at me with his spear. He swing it at my face and I managed to block his attack. "Impressive, (Y/n)-chan! You blocked my attack even tough you're so tiny!" I was snapped and shouted at him, "SHUT UP!!! I WASN'T TINY!!! IT WAS YOU WHO WERE TOO BIG!!!!"

He smiled widely as he jumped back to hold his spear correctly. He put his spear down and smirked at me, "(Y/n)-chan, why don't we fight in a fun way? Put your weapon down and we will fight by hands. You agree?" It was my turn to smirk and I threw my sword down. I stand properly for a fighting pose, "I agree."

He charged at me with full speed and I jumped up from him and caught his legs. I swing him to the ground and make sure that he was hit. I hit him continuously until he managed to escape from my grip. Before he could stood, I punched him at his stomach and he was flying to a building and his back met the wall. The wall was cracked from my action earlier.

I breathed heavily and looked at the place that I punched him. The dust was covering him. I couldn't see him and I began to searched for him there. When I was removing the ruined bricks, I felt someone grabbed my hair and hit my face at the wall. I grabbed his arm and broke it.

I heard someone shouted, "AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!" I pulled my face from the wall and smacked him in the face with my elbow. He dashed behind and held his broken hand. I jumped in the air as I wanted to avoid him. He suddenly gone and he appeared behind me. He managed to kick my back with his heel. I screamed in pain and fell on the ground with a loud thud.

I still lay on the ground and I breathed heavily. I saw a foot came me and a spear tip close to my face. "Well well (Y/n)-chan, you had lost and I swear if you dare to touch Kakuji-kun, I will kill you instantly. I will not let your evil heart to hurt an innocent like Kakuji-kun."

Quickly, I kicked his leg and he fell to the ground. I stepped on his hand hardly but he remained silent. "You're telling me that I will hurt an innocent like Kakuji-kun? It was you who hurt him. It was me who will stop your evil heart from hurting an innocent. You better choose your words correctly before talking, bitch!"

No One's POV

Wyvorn started to laugh madly before he grabbed (Y/n)'s ankle and squeezed it tightly. It was too hurt for (Y/n) to take it so she screamed furiously. Wyvorn squeezed her ankle tighter until his nails hurt (Y/n)'s ankle. She began to scream even louder than before. She tried to release Wyvorn's iron grip on her ankle.

Unluckily, Wyvorn's leg flew toward (Y/n)'s head and it hit it correctly. (Y/n) held her head which was aching to her brain and Wyvorn stood beside her. "(Y/n)-chan, today's game was so much fun and I hope we will have another time to play again. Goodbye." (Y/n) still wanted to know the truth so, she called for Wyvorn, "Hey! Wait up a minutes!"

Wyvorn glanced at (Y/n) who was called for him, "What? Isn't our game is over now? Don't tell me that you want to play another game with me?" (Y/n) glared at him, "That's not it! I admit that I had lost! I just want to ask you something!" Wyvorn walked toward (Y/n) and kneel in front of her, "What is it?"

(Y/n) grabbed Wyvorn's shirt weakly, "Why did you want Kakuji-kun?" Wyvorn's eyes widen and he lowered his head, "All the people thinks that I want to kidnap him. The truth is, I just want him back in my life. He's so precious to me that I can't let him go away. I just loved him but, he didn't remember me. I only tried to cure him from his memory lost."

(Y/n) was shocked to hear that and she put her hands on his bruised cheek, "If that was your intention, you need to do it in a correct way. Not kidnapping him or hurting others. It was wrong."

Suddenly, the depressed man became more aggressive than before as he slapped (Y/n)'s hands away, "SHUT UP!!! YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!! YOU'RE JUST A BIG-MOUTHED BRAT WHO PRETENDED TO UNDERSTAND IT!! YOU'RE JUST THE SAME AS THE OTHERS!!!!" Wyvorn stood and ran away from the place.

(Y/n) had gathered another information to give to Malphas but she felt a little guilty toward Wyvorn so, she decided to keep it as a secret. "I wonder why Kakuji-kun forgot him? Anyway, who was Kakuji-kun to him? Why did he loved Kakuji-kun so much? Maybe if I were in his shoes, I will do the same like him."

There's too many questions that played in (Y/n)'s mind so she grabbed her head and screamed loudly. She can't take it anymore. Tears flowed from her (E/c) eyes. "I just want to know the truth.. Someone, please help me to find out the truth."


I was tired to make this chapter. My head nearly crashed by thinking the best idea I can dig from my deepest brain. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it~

(Y/n): I'm hurt here, okay? Can you send me home already?

Me: Of course!

Wyvorn: You humans do had a small brain, don't you? Why would you help her?

Me: At least, I didn't run away and leave a girl crying at a street alone.

Wyvorn: Bastard....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2017 ⏰

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