Gamzee Declares War

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I held the empty pill bottle in my hand.. Couldn't believe I was out of this stuff already, gotta remember to tell Kurloz to get some more later. I was talking to Karbro on pesterchum but then saw a message from (Name) pop up on my screen. I said bye to Karbro even though I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it tomorrow.

chumHandle [CH]  began pestering terminallyCapricious [TC]

CH: Karkat just told me he liked me!

TC: hEhEhE

TC: So YoU gOnNa LeT hIm DoWn EaSy?

CH: Um, no

CH:  Actually I think I like him back

CH: You there Gamzee?

TC: Oh uH yEaH, jUsT zOnEd OuT a BiT

TC: i'M rEaLlY hApPy FoR YoU sIs

CH: Crap I just realized I left him hanging! I gotta go, talk to you later Gamzee!

chumHandle [CH] ceased pestering terminallyCapricious [TC]

I put my laptop away and just stared up at the ceiling. My head started to hurt a bit.I should be happy for Karkat right? So why do I feel like beating the crap out of him? No! What am I saying, he's my best friend..... a best friend who just stabbed me in the back. I growled quiety so I wouldn't wake up Kurloz on the other side of the room.

I knew why I was growling.Karkat may not know it, but he just entered a war zone... and the winner gets (Name).


I held Karkat's hand as we walked up the steps to the school. Several people stared and whispered but I chose to ignore them while Karkat just flicked them off as he walked by. When Gamzee came up to us his eyes looked a bit red.

"Gamzee you alright?" He gave me one of his lazy grins. "Don't worry about it sis, just didn't get much sleep last night." "Oh ok." The bell rang and I gave Karkat a quick peck on the cheek and went off to first period. I could've sworn I heard a low growl before I left.


I could feel something was wrong with Gamzee that he just wouldn't tell me. When the hallways became empty he stopped and grabbed my shoulder. "Karbro, I'm gonna be straight up honest with you, I'm happy you finally found someone." I looked at him confused. "Uh, thanks Gamz-" "I wasn't done talking motherfucker." He gripped my shoulder tighter to the point where it actually hurt.

"Gamzee what the fuck!" A smirk appeared on his face. "Karbro you know I love you, but I love (Name) even more. You better keep a close eye on her best friend."

When I finally managed to escape his grip, he walked off without another word. I sped off to my next class thinking about what just happened. This was not going to end well.

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