I Forgive You

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I waited in my livingroom with Kurloz. "God I made such a motherfucking mistake didn't I?" He nodded his head slowly. Yes you did, but the least you could do is try to make things right, which I'm proud that you're tyring to do now. "Thanks bro, but I doubt they'll even come." Just then there was a knock on the door. I shot up and opened it. Karkat was there holding (Name)'s hand. "Alright fuckass, you got ten minutes so start talking."

We all sat down on the couch. "Alright, so I'm going to start off with my problem that I was telling you about. Karbro do you remember when we were little and I used to always get into fights?" He thought for a moment. "Yeah, but then one day you just mellowed out so I kind of forgot about it." I looked down. "Well there's kind of a reason why I acted like that. I sort of have this disorder where even the littlest thing, like being poked can set me off." Kurloz put the bottle of pills on the table. "Those pills over there are what keeps me calm, the minute I run out I start going back to old habits, which included hurting those I love. I can honestly say this wasn't be the first I've hurt someone, but I'm hoping this would be the last."

(Name) just stared at the floor. "(Name) I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I thought I was doing well without them, I thought I could keep control but..." I started crying but then a hand went on my shoulder. I looked up to see it was (Name). "Gamzee what you did.... I'll never be able to forget, but I do still care about you." She gave me a hug making me smile.  "I forgive you Gamzee."

Kurloz smiled at us. Karkat got up and joined us in our hug. "I forgive you too you fucking idiot. Just please don't ever do shit like that ever again." I laughed. "You have my word Karbro." We stayed hugging each other like that for a long time. I didn't mind though, I didn't want the moment to end.

Winner Gets The Girl (Reader x Karkat x Gamzee) HumanstuckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang