Say What?

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 Karkat  and I sat under a tree holding hands the next day. How could I have ever even thought about leaving this incredible person. Gamzee walked over to us with Terezi and.... they were holding hands."Hey motherfuckers! Guess who got a girlfriend!"

I forced myself  to smile. "That's great Gamzee. I'm really happy for you." He smiled at me. "Thanks sis." They sat beside us, their hands never letting go. Karkat spoke up. "So when the fuck this happen?" There was a bit more annoyance in his voice than usual. Terezi gave him her signature grin. "Why do you need to know Karkles? A little jealous are we." He flicked her off and turned his attention towards me. "Why are we friends with these people?" She gave him a light shove and they started bickering. Gamzee and I just looked at each other and shrugged.


 I was stuck at my house while everyone else was at a party at Gamzee's. Stupid cold, of all the days to get it! Karkat,Jade, and Sollux stopped by earlier and offered to stay the night with me but I told them to go ahead and go the party. Now I was kind of wishing that they stayed.

I sat on my bed with my laptop looking up some fanfics when I noticed someone pestering me.

terminallyCapricious [TC] began pestering chumHandle [CH]

TC: HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR

CH: Hey gamz

TC:hOw'S mY wIcKeD sIs DoInG?

TC: hOLd On ImMa CaLl yOu

CH: Umm okay...

terminallyCapricious [TC] ceased pestering chumHandle [CH]

My phone rang a second later. Loud music was the first thing I heard. "Hey there motherfucker." Oh, God Gamzee sounded drunk. "Hey Gamzee." "Can I tell you something (Name)?" "Uh, sure." He let out a belch. "I really have a motherfucking huge crush on you." "Gamzee you have a girlfriend." "I don't give a shit about her, besides she's making out with Karbro right now."

I felt my heart shatter in my chest. "SHE'S WHAT???" Gamzee chuckled. "Yeah I know trippy right, she such a slut..... wait ain't he your boyfriend?" I hung up the phone and put my hand to my mouth. What the heck just happened?

Winner Gets The Girl (Reader x Karkat x Gamzee) HumanstuckOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant