Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When the three o'clock bell rang, announcing the end of the day, students made a dash out the door to enjoy their freedom. I calmly gathered my belongings and made my way out the classroom. I was nervous about meeting Anabeth right now. I wouldn't know what to do when being alone with her. I quickly took deep breaths before I had an asthma attack, and determined, made my way down the hall to leave my journals at my locker.

When I reached my locker I put in my books and took out my sketch pad from Art class. "You're late," Anabeth said leaning against my locker after I had closed it.

"Jesus, don't do that," I gasped out clutching my chest, and hitting my head on my locker door. That's gonna leave a bruise.

"I'm not that ugly," she said narrowing her eyes at me.

"What? No, of course you're not. I just meant you appeared out of thin air," I corrected quickly. Why would she assume that?

"So are you saying I'm pretty?" she inquired, smiling at me and leaning closer.

"I um, uh... yeah," I choked out, face flaming once again.

"Why thank you. You aren't too bad yourself," she commented. "Now, let's go," she finished, turning around and making her way out of the building. Did she just compliment me? My face would have resembled a tomato if I had the proper time to process this remark.

We made it to the parking lot. At a loss on where she was heading, I catched up to her as she made her way to her car. "Were are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to your house," she said, opening the door and getting inside. I stood there, trying to process what she was telling me. I was bringing a girl to my house. Well, ok then. "Is there a problem?"

"What no, but I uh..." I didn't finish my thought, I still wasn't sure what was going on.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get in!" she ordered. After driving out of the school she asked me for my address and we were on our way. I fidgeted, not knowing what to say, or if I even needed to say something. But then I didn't have too because she turned on her stereo, and we listened to Bon Jovi the rest of the way.

When she pulled up in the driveway, I turned to look at her while she turned off the car. "Nice house. Looks spacious." she decided turning to face me. She smiled widely at me and the tip of my ears tinged pink. My house wasn't that much. It was a decent two story, painted a light brown. Our front yard was amazingly well groomed; green grass and wild plants and flowers decorated the outline of it, all that was thanks to my mom. She likes this kind of stuff.

"Um, yeah thanks." I replied averting my gaze and making my way out of the car.

"Percy? Is that you?" I heard my mother come out from the kitchen as we walked into the house. Shit, my mom doesn't know how to react with the fact I have never brought a girl home before. I started sweating, worried about the embarrassment I was about to face in front of this gorgeous and intimidating girl.

"Y-yeah, mom, it's me," I stuttered nervously.

"Oh, hello my little man. How was school today?" mom said, finally making herself visible. She stopped in her tracks, her eyes wandering to Anabeth. "Oh wow. Are you Percy's girlfriend?" my mom gasped out excitedly.

"Mom!" I shrieked. Oh no. the worst humiliation. She'll probably laugh at me and never speak to me again.

"Yes. I'm Anabeth," she replied smiling and extending her hand for my mom to greet. I stood, eyes bugging out of my head, mouth open so wide, insects could make a town in there. WHAT? Did I hear correctly? Was I getting Punk'd?

"Oh my god! My baby boy has a girlfriend! This is so exciting!" my mom gushed "I'm Sally. It is so wonderful to meet you!" my mom buzzed with excitement as she let us to the dining room. "Are you hungry? Would you like some lemonade? A snack maybe?" she listed off, animated to welcome our guest, while I subconsciously hid in a corner.

"Oh, no thank you Mrs. Jackson. Percy and I just came to do our Art project together." She then turned to me giving me a pointed look, as if to tell me not to say anything. I didn't, not because of that look, although it was pretty frightening, but because I still felt like if I was in the Twilight zone or something. "We'll be in Percy's room," She added signaling me to snap out of it and lead her to my room.

"Oh, well don't let me stop you. Go ahead, I'll call when dinner is ready." She called out giggly.

"Your mom is adorable," Anabeth said, dropping her bag on the floor and letting herself fall to my bed as if she's been here before.

"Why did you tell her you're my girlfriend?" I needed some answers right about now, I was on the verge of an asthma attack.

"Why wouldn't I?" she questioned, leaning herself on her elbows.

"Because it's not true," I replied desperately, trying to understand how her mind worked.

"Of, course it is. I'm your friend, and I'm a girl." the Duh, quite loud in her tone.

"B-but she thinks something completely different," I sounded on the verge of tears.

"Percy?" Anabeth called me making me meet her eyes once again. My heart betrayed me with the tiny thump it made. God she was wonderful.

"Y-yes?" I said timidly.

"Can we start our projects now." She said making it a statement, and not a question, therefore ending this confusing conversation.

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