Chapter 14

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The weeks flew by quicker than possible. The girls were excited over the upcoming wedding of Jason's cousin, which was now only a couple of days from now. Annabeth was too busy with keeping up with school that it was taking a toll on her, and sadly on our relationship. After Valentine's Day, I thought our relationship was going to get stronger, and in some ways it did. But, it's not enough and I know she knows.

"Percy?" I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Rachel Elizabeth Dare, a girl in my Calculus class walking towards me.

"Yeah?" I asked, confused. Rachel and I talked but we weren't exactly friends so I wondered what she wanted.

"Um, do you have the notes from last week? I was sick and missed a few days? Can I borrow them?" she asked pulling her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, sure. Hold on a sec," I grabbed my backpack and started digging around, searching for the papers.

"Any plans for spring break?" she asked, conversationally.

"Yeah, actually, I'm going to a wedding," I replied handing the notes over.

She smiled at me, "Thanks. That's cool. I bet you'll look nice in a suit," she squeezed my shoulder and left with her fiery red hair. Confused, I turned around only to see Annabeth standing right in front of me, a scowl on her face.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked.

"What were you two talking about?" she asked completely ignoring my question, and walking to next period.

"She asked to borrow some notes."

"Oh," and that was it. This only helped to confuse me more.

"What's wrong?" I asked again.

"Nothing, just had a tough morning," she sighed as we came to her next class. "Do you still want to come over for dinner?"

"Yeah, I'll be there," I replied, smiling lazily at her.

"Good." She smiled back. She kissed me chastely on the lips before heading inside.

The next day was Friday night and we were snuggled up watching movies and eating popcorn in my room. We had a long day out and about shopping for Leo's wedding. I have yet to meet the guy, but from what everyone talks about, he seems like a cool guy. The whole day Annabeth seemed to be moody. Always glaring at everyone who seemed to stare too long at us. One time, she even snapped at the cashier girl when she smiled as I paid. The fact that we haven't been intimate this whole week made me even more anxious.

"Oh, man. Channing Tatum is so hot. His dancing is so freaking sexy!" Annabeth squealed as we watched said man dance around a stage with very little clothing and girls screaming in the background.

I 'humphd' at her comment, thinking of my physical appearance. I was not even close to looking like something like that.

"What's so sexy about dancing around in a thong?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Oh, Percy, don't be silly. Everything is sexy about it. I like a man who can move his hips," she says the last comment in a suggestive tone, her eyes boring into mine.

I smiled not able to help myself and pushed the bowl away and aligned my body against hers and slowly grinded my hips toward her. "Like this?" I asked innocently, only nothing was innocent about this moment. She moaned lightly at the contact.

"Is this all you think about now?" she glared playfully but I could tell she loved it.

"Not all the time, but yeah," I shrugged sheepishly, my cheeks tinting a bit.

Geek, Goth, And Love (percabeth) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu