Chapter 16

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Finals are finally over, so that's good.

Now, here I stand, on the 1st of June 2013, in Annabeth's living room, pacing back and forth, and waiting for her to come down so we can head off to prom.

"Percy, dear, do you want something to drink?" Annabeth's mom asks me.

"Um, y-yeah, sure. Thanks," I stutter out, nervously running my hands through my messy mop of black hair.

"Percy, sit. Relax, she won't be down for a few minutes," Mr. Chase says placing his glasses on the table stand and turning on the T.V.

I sigh and finally decide to take a seat. I tug on my bow tie and fidget with my fingers. "So, Percy. What country do you guys plan to visit first?" Mr. Chase asks me.

"Um, w-well we haven't really talked about it but I know Annabeth really wants to go to Greece, and I want to go to Italy, so we're definitely going there. Other than that, we still haven't decided."

"Well, that seems like a good start for now. You kids still have a couple more days to plan this trip out," Mr. Chase nodded, seeming to like what I said.

"Oh, what about France? Paris is the perfect place! It isn't known to bet the city of love for nothing," Mrs. Chase suggested bringing me a glass of juice and sandwich-bite appetizers. Mr. Chase glared at her, seemingly unimpressed.

"Yeah, I like that idea," I say halfheartedly, already digging into my food. Delicious, by the way. We chatted for a few more minutes to kill time, while I anxiously waited for Annabeth.

Fifteen minutes later, I hear footsteps from upstairs. I stand up abruptly, knocking over the half-empty glass of juice. I cringe at the mess I made but Mrs. Chase assures me its fine and demands I go get my date. I smile in thanks and excuse myself.

When I reach the stairwell, I smile involuntarily at the goddess in front of me. How is it that every single time she manages to take my breath away? Jeez. There she stands in a one shouldered black chiffon dress decorated with small diamonds on her breasts that complement her stormy grey eyes. It has a slit up her right thigh and every single detail makes her look like royalty. If I could I would make her my queen, and I'll be her king, and together we would rule our love. Yup, that was beyond cheesy, thank goodness I didn't say that out loud!

"Hey handsome," Annabeth greets me, sending me that smile that makes my heart stop and rewind.

"Hey, beautiful," I whisper. I take a deep breath and extend my hand for her to take. "Shall we?" I say in the best English accent I could muster.

She giggles at me, "We shall," she agrees in her own accent.


Percy looks so handsome tonight, I want to lick him. Seriously I do. But, sadly it's not the right time for that. When I met him at the foot of my stairs in his cute glasses and messy hairdo I grinned widely at him.

He was wearing a tux with a red bow tie again. Gosh he looks so freaking hot in a tux! Memories of Valentine's Day with that same bow tie flooded my mind and it made my heart burst. He handed me my corsage, a red rose in the middle with black and red little strings, placing it around my wrist. I admit, I wasn't really feeling the need to go to Prom, but I think it was just the stress talking. Now, looking at Percy smiling at me with wonder and amazement in his sea-green eyes, I can't help but be thankful for all he has given me.

Once we arrived at the hotel hosting our Prom, the Plaza Hotel, I go find us some seats while Percy gets us some drinks and appetizers. I found the gang sitting at a corner table and made my way towards them.

Geek, Goth, And Love (percabeth) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang