Chapter 18

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"Percy! Get your ass up right now and help me pack!" Annabeth screeches as she drags suitcases and backpacks up the stairs in one arm and pillows and blankets on her other arm. I quickly rush towards her and take the suitcases, climbing up the stairs. "Seriously, Percy? We've had a whole week and you still don't have anything packed? What is wrong with you? I thought you were the overachiever in this relationship!" with a big 'urgh' she drops everything on the floor and plops down on my bed.

"Sorry, I've been doing some last minute arrangements," I shrug sheepishly, rubbing on my neck.

"Yeah, sorry isn't going to cut it," she snapped, and I can tell I'm frustrating her, "I'll get your clothes, you pack," she sighs already heading for my closet. She grabs an armful of shirts, some casual, some more dressy, pairs of jeans and slacks with my black converse. I pack quietly, because frankly I'm a little nervous to speak right now.

After getting all my stuff packed and ready to go, I look up at Annabeth while she's finishing up rearranging the mess we made, still not saying a word. I sigh loudly, "Are you mad at me for not packing?" my tone is a little more accusing than usual, but I can't help it. She has no right to be mad at me.

She sighs, "No, I'm not mad, I'm just nervous about this trip," she confesses, her shoulders drooping.

"Oh," I didn't think about that. I sigh and lie down next to her. "Everything is gonna be fine. Just be excited."

She sighs loudly, relaxing. "I know. It's just... my whole life I've always dreamed of this happening to me, but that's all it was, a dream. Now, I can't seem to think it's real. I guess I worry that all this really is a dream."

"That's understandable, but I'm here so either I'm dreaming with you, or this really is happening," I conclude smiling. She laughs then, joyously, and I can't help but grin widely at her.

Several hours later, I think we pretty much packed my whole room up I notice it's dark out. "Shit," and it seems Annabeth noticed too. She jumps off from sitting on my bed. Her hair mussed up in sexy curls from being up and about, green day t-shirt falling off her shoulder and leggings completely covered in lint, she's never looked more beautiful. Well, she has, but that's not the point I'm trying to make here.

"Shit! Shit! I gotta go, love. I have to finish packing!" She's rushing around my room, I assume to look for her car keys. When she finds them she rushes back to me and pecks me on the lips. "Pick me up at 6 o'clock. Don't be late." She kisses me again and this time I envelope her, making it last longer.

We pull apart a while later. "I won't" I smile dopily. Her returning smile is just as dopy. "Call me when you get home, ok?" She smiles again and walks out the door.

Tomorrow is going to be one heck of a day, and all the days afterwards, but something tells me it'll be worth it.


Airplanes are scarier than they look. Their monstrosities, actually. There was no way in hell I was going to get on that beast if it were the last thing I did. Forget going to Europe, I can travel somewhere else, thank you very much. Well, never thought I'd hear myself say that. This trip won't be easy. But, I digress.

Percy took the window seat and I took the aisle seat after much argument on his part, but he relented after I grudgingly admitted that I felt like my stomach wanted to jump out of my body and create chaos all around me. But being the wonderful boyfriend he is, he held my hand the whole way.

I only threw up twice. I took that really well.

Our first destination was Spain. We landed on the beautiful city of Madrid and I was full out shrieking like a little kid. And no, I was not embarrassed. On the contrary, I was glowing.

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