Chapter 17

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It was time. The day had finally arrived in which I would officially become a high school graduate. Yup, I'm feeling that bundle of nerves in my stomach and not the good kind. I sigh and turn to face my mirror.

My usually curly blond locks are straightened smoothly around my face. I have red stained lips and a black smokey-eye shadow, with small green diamond earrings. I smile because they remind me of Percy. My dress is a high low sea-green dress with black lace covered sequence above my waist. I feel beautiful, I feel proud of the woman I've become.

I exhale and inhale cautiously. "This is it," I say to my reflection and a small smile forms on my lips.

"Annabeth, honey, time to go," my mother calls from downstairs. With one last glance in the mirror, I turn to grab my red cap and gown and head downstairs.

"Oh, you look beautiful," my mom gushes hugging me tightly, a tear streaming down her face. My dad approached me, sad smile in place, to hug me as well.

"You're all grown up now," he whispers, and I don't know if it was just me but he seemed to be silently sobbing. I let him be, because yeah, I was all grown up now. After we got over the heavy emotional nonsense my mom went crazy with trying to take pictures of every single movement I did. I let her be, because it was the only thing keeping her sane at the moment.

Percy arrived not much later, letting us know his parents were already heading to the ceremony. He was wearing a green dress shirt with a black bow tie, black suspenders and black slacks (I picked them out of course) because I told him I wanted us to match. Yeah, sew me for acting like such a girl, I couldn't care less. He hugged me tightly kissing me chastely in the lips. Before long we were off, my parents chatting excitedly in the front, while Percy tried to sooth my nerves.

Once there, my parents and Percy went their separate ways while I went to find my fellow classmates. Piper, Jason, and Frank where already there chatting excitedly. We smiled at each other already knowing that we made it this far.

I still couldn't believe it.

"Annie, can you believe it? We finally did it. We're class of 2013, baby!" Piper cheered excitedly and I joined in.

"Yeah, this is definitely bittersweet right now," I sighed, my feelings completely unrecognizable.

"Well, now we have the rest of our lives to look forward to," Jason said, wistful smile on his face.

"That we do, my brother" Frank said, fist bumping Jason. Nico then came hugging all of us excitedly.

"What's up guys, I'm so fucking excited, man!" he said jumping up and down. We all smiled at him in agreement.

Jason and Piper were going to Columbia together like the lovesick couple they were. Frank was going to Julliard to pursue acting. Nico was accepted to the University of Washington but couldn't attend due to expenses so he decided to stay at the local community college in order to raise enough money and transfer later. I of course was going to NYU were I would major in photography and minor in art. I was also glad that Percy was going to apply, I know he would get in.

Sooner rather than later, the teachers were calling all the graduates to get in line for the famous graduation song, Pomp and Circumstance to lead us down our march. My heart was beating and my hands were sweating. I was worried I might slip and fall down while walking, but I maintained calm and smiled brightly. The cheering of family and friends brought adrenaline through my system and I searched for my family while I made my way to my seat.

I saw Percy first, smiling at me and waving excitedly and I knew that there was nothing to be nervous about anymore.


Geek, Goth, And Love (percabeth) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora