Chapter 15

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Ugh, finals. These past few weeks all we have been doing in class is studying for finals. I have to take two AP tests and all the studying I was doing was stressing me the heck out. June couldn't come fast enough for me to get over these stupid tests. I was just ready for summer to come so I could be with Percy and do what I have always wanted, spread my wings on this earth and soar.

I sighed coming out of my AP government class, making my way to my locker. I didn't even feel like going to lunch, studying was a major necessity at this moment. As I was rounding the corner I came to a stop at what I saw before my eyes.

Rachel freakin' Dare. That girl got on my damn nerves every time I saw her near Percy. She thought she was good at hiding it, but I know she has a crush on my boyfriend. At the moment, she was smiling at him as he grabbed his books out of his locker. She was practically touching him with how close she was to him, and those googly eyes she was sending his way. Ugh, disgusting. I saw red.

I stomped my way towards them letting them know I was here.

"Hey baby," I never really call Percy a pet name, but, I needed to mark my territory in this case.

Rachel, glanced quickly my way and her eyes grew a little wide at seeing me. That's right, he's mine. She stepped away a bit. Percy, on the other hand, glanced at me and smiled so wide, his teeth were jumping out at me, greeting me with individual waves. Weird. Oh man, how I love this sweet dorky boy.

"Hey, love. I was just about to go and get you," he greeted me kissing my cheek. I smiled at him and turned to face Rachel.

"Hey Rachel," I greeted, mouth slightly tense. I didn't hate the girl, she just liked my man more than she should, and I didn't like that.

She blushed at our intimate exchange and fidgeted, "Hey Annabeth. I was just returning Percy his notes," she said as a way of explanation. There was an awkward pause then, "Um, I'll see you tomorrow guys," and with that she dashed her way to the cafeteria.

"That was weird. She's always asking to borrow my notes, and I never see her miss a day," Percy wondered out loud, a slight frown on his face.

"You're so clueless," I sighed, exasperated and walked ahead of him.

"What do you mean? And why are you mad?" he asked pulling on my arm.

"I'm not mad," I deadpanned, glaring at him. I wasn't, really. I was just disturbed.

"Yes you are, you were really sweet, and then as soon as she leaves, you get mad. What is that about?"

"Do you not know what jealousy is?" I argued, my hands on my hips.

"Jealous? Why are you jealous?" he asked confused.

"You really have no clue do you?" I sighed, losing the fight in me, "That girl doesn't need your notes, she just uses that as an excuse to talk to you."

"Why would-?" he started but thankfully his brain started catching up, "Oh."

"Yeah," I agreed, looking down. Where was this shyness coming from? I was never shy. Percy stepped towards me and placed one hand on my hip and the other on my chin, tugging so I could look up at him.

"That doesn't make a difference to me. Sure, she's pretty. But she doesn't hold a candle to you. You're beautiful to me and I am completely in love with you, no other girl can ever come close to 're my soul mate, Annabeth," he whispered kissing my lips.

Jesus Christ! He was making me a puddle of mushy goo! I am so not a puddle of mushy goo! "You're such a cheese-ball," I giggled into his mouth.

He grinned at me and wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked to the cafeteria. "You still love me," he smirked.

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