Chapter 10

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As the months flew by Annabeth and I were able to experience the novelty of our relationship together. Our relationship was only getting stronger as we spend as much time as we could, learning the important stuff and even the boring or inconsequential stuff.

She introduced me to her friends, officially, the Monday after we became a couple. I was nervous, but she told me not to worry about it. Turns out, they liked me for my 'awkwardness' and 'nerdiness', whatever that means. I'll try not to take that offensive. I even let Nico tag along to our lunch, as well as Hazel, which she had an obvious crush on Frank while making googly eyes at him every time she could. I learned that Annabeth's friend, Piper, was going out with the basketball jock Jason Grace. They were all seniors, but what amazed me the most was that they were all completely different from each other, and yet they were good friends.

As far as how our relationship is going, we do all the couple-y things people do. I walk her to her classes, we kiss each other goodbye, and we walk hand in hand everywhere we go. It's normal and simple, but it's still perfect.

We also do our own things. After our concert date, I made it a mission of mine to always be the one to ask Annabeth before she could, it would be the gentlemanly thing to do. We went to Museums were they showed crazy art made by crazy people, Annabeth was eating it up and I enjoyed myself as well. We also went to small concerts here and there, most were about any kind of genre, we just went to enjoy the music and how it could inspire us.

On simple days where we were busy she came to my house and worked on homework, or we would go to the diner and work there. The good thing of being together was that we eventually turned in our art projects, after all they were the catalyst to the beginning of our journey together. I would be forever grateful for that class.

Annabeth was suffering through stress from finals for the end of January. She was busy filling out scholarships to be able to afford NYU next year. I take it all in stride, supporting her and letting her have her space when she needs it. I am thinking of applying there myself so I can be there with her once I graduate, but I'm afraid to tell her, worried she might think I'm moving too fast. Honestly, before Annabeth, I didn't really think about my future too much. The furthest I got was graduating with honors. I don't understand how my geek-ness never thought as far as to where I want to go or what I want to do with my life. But now, Annabeth has opened my eyes to so many possibilities and I think that my calling is in some form of art, after all, my muse has become the most important person in my life.

"Percy? Hey are you listening to me?" Annabeth was calling me. We were sitting down on my bed. Annabeth was surrounded by textbooks and notebooks of the classes she needed to study for. I was somewhat in the same situation, but my attention was elsewhere. I noticed she was wearing her hair in a messy bun with curls of blonde, green, and purple. She was wearing the same Beatles t-shirt I first saw her with along with some black leggings. I was struck by how similar she looked to when I first noticed her and yet she looked smarter, more beautiful and my feelings were stronger than I ever thought possible.

"Sorry. What where you saying?"

"Um, well," she pauses to look at me, probably to make sure I'm still listening. "I was looking for my essay prompt and I can't find it. It's pissing me off because this essay is worth 25% of my grade and I can't find the dam prompt!" smoke was literary coming out of her ears, and her face was redder then a tomato. If senior year is going to be this stressful I think I want to skip it. Either way, she still looks beautiful.

"Annabeth, it's ok. Calm down I'll help you find it," I honestly didn't know how to calm her down but I needed to be supportive.

"Do not tell me to calm down, Percy. I need to start this essay as soon as possible!" she was glaring daggers at me. When we barely started going out that would have made me crap my pants. But now, still kind of does, I can just take it like a man now.

Geek, Goth, And Love (percabeth) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora