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Morgana is Ursulas crazy sister. Watch little mermaid 2 return to the sea.


"Morgana I'm leaving!" Mila yelled. Mila is a 5'2 villian kid. She has blue hair and blue eyes. She doesn't know who her father is. "Shut up you annoying nuisance. I got news for you, if you return by the way hope you don't." Morgana snapped. Mila was already out the door. She slammed the door behind her. Mila went to Maleficent's castle where the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella DeVille. They always favored Mila more since their children disappointed them. Even Ursula preferred her more then she liked Uma. Mila entered the castle and was greeted from the Evil Queen criticizing on her face. "Oh Mila you need some blush on those pale cheeks of yours!"

"Of course mother." Mila responded sarcastically while rolling her eyes. She made her way to to the other room with the TV Jafar was watching Auradon prep channel making fun of the people. "Father dearest I thought this was our thing" Mila fake overdramatic plopping down on the couch. "Aw Mila come! Come I command you to sit and make fun of royalty with me!" Mila smirked. After a while Cruella came over to say "you need to wear more fur coats!" Mila groaned shaking off the hideous coat.

De Vil said "Mila did Morgana tell you the news?" "What news?" Mila asked not interested. "Oh our poison apple King Ben found out about you being the worst of your class and decided you will be the next to Auradon." Mila's mood instantly darkened.

One thing about Mila is her eyes. You know how Mals and Malificent eyes are green and glow. Well Mila's blue eyes do the same thing but light up blue not green. Her eyes had been doing this since she was born.

Since Morgana always fought with Ursula. After Ursula technically died all her powers went to Morgana including a magnificent voice to sing. But when Morgana gave birth to Mila all those powers went to her. Now all the villans are on the isle and Mila is born. Ursula visit Mila with a gift. The gift was when she sings her voice is the most beautiful never out of tune  her voice is magic she can have anything or anyone in her power. The necklace she used to have.

"WHAT!" Mila screamed mad. "I can't do that this is the only place I ever lived and known. People fear me here. I have them wrapped around my cold dead finger." She sneered standing up.

"You can complete the task that made our disappointment we don't call our kids couldn't do. You can get the wand.  You can take over, you are a villain after all, just one thing you must listen to. Whatever you do don't fall in love. Love my poisen apple is for the weak." the Evil Queen told her. Mila was speechless. "Now" Jafar said "Go home Morgana packed your stuff and you are ready to go after you both fight the limo will wait bye have written dreams my poison apple don't disappoint us." They all pushed her out the door and she went to Morgana at their shack.

"Mother! How dare you not tell me that I have to go to Auradon." Mila was controlling her temper. "I told you I have news if you returned." Morgana snarled looking at her hair in a mirror.

She threw Mila her stuff and she walked out. Mila rolled her eyes at her mother leaving.

"Hey I'm going to take a real quick walk I'll be back in a few minutes." The limo driver nods confused. Mila jogs of to the serpent prep and back. Thinking about since she got her gift was from Ariel so Ariel is her aunt and the Melody is her cousin. Now she thinks Melody is her age and is also gonna be there. She walked back at the limo. Opening the door. She let out a shriek as she saw four people she never thought she would ever see.

Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos. The boys were stuffing there faces. And Evie was doing her makeup. Mal was just looking out the window.
When they heard a scream they all stopped at what they were doing and looked at the 14 year old girl. Mal snorted and said "this is the girl who is the top in all her classes and the worst kid villain on the isle?" Like she couldn't believe the isle went downhill.

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