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One more week later. Mila has been at Auradon for four weeks now.

Mila heard a knock at the door one morning. She goes to opens it. Since Melody left early. Surprised when she see's Jake. "Hey what are you doing here?" Mila asks. "I'm here to walk with you to our classes. Also to see if that I can escort you to the assembly after school today?" He asks nervous.  Which was weird. They have gotten really close. Without them knowing it. "Yeah sure why not, just let me grab my bag." She exclaims pointing to her bag on her bed. He nods and waits till she comes out. The whole day of talking and laughing with Jake in the halls, during class, after class.

Mila and Jake felt something. It's a unfamiliar feeling in their hearts. They loved it though. Now it's their lunch. He covers her eyes and leads her to the middle of the grass. When Mila opens her eyes she gasped in awe. There is a picnic lunch with soda, sandwiches, fruit, and cupcakes. "You did this?" He nods. Her eyes changed to the color to a blue purple. "You know I love the way your eyes change color especially the way when you look at me. What does blue purple mean?" Jake asked. "I don't know I mean they never turned this color before." Jake smirked, he took her hand and led her to the picnic. He handed her a plate with a sandwich on it and a cup with soda in it.

"Thanks, you didn't have to do all this though I love it, it's perfect." Mila rambled. "You're worth more then all this. Just to see your face light up. The way your eyes change color I bet to your emotions" she blushed because it's true ish. "The way you try to hide your emotions with a wall the way your eyes sparkle when you achieve a good grade without even trying how you help your cousin without even realizing it the way you don't even have to try to look pretty the way you talk the way you walk I bet you can sing every high and low note perfectly. The way if I ask you to sing you will say no because your shy. Oh and when you sing it's magic you can have anything and anyone under your control. Also you could have the wand in your hands now with using your eyes but you are not going to do that because you don't want to. I know you feel something between us. I'll admit I do. I feel something and I love it. All I want to know is that you feel it to. Do you feel it to?" Mila was so shocked, flattered, and scared.

She was pretty sure her eyes are changing like crazy right now with every Thought that goes through her head. Which her eyes are. "Jake I feel something to. Just I dont know what it is. I'm pretty sure it's the same as yours, it's confusing, scary, and it makes me want to scream or cry out in frustration. But I do know one thing. Though I love the feeling too." Then Jake took her hand helping her stand up. He waved someone over and the someone are the musicians. They play a slow song and they slow danced. He twirled her around. She prayed that she won't step on his shoes. They didn't notice the clouds coming that made it look like it's going to rain, which rarely happens in Auradon.

After the music stopped they were dismissed and they cleaned up and left it was just the blanket and Jake and Mila. Then they were laying down side by side just looking at each other. Sorta like studying each other. Then they felt raindrops at first a few then came pouring down.  The quickly stood up and held the blanket above their heads and heard over the intercom.

"Everyone head back to their dorms." Jake walked Mila to her dorm. When they got to her door she said "Hey I had a good time today thanks for staying with me." "I loved this day with you i would totally do it again just to see your face happy again." Then after they stopped talking they stared in to each other's eyes and they were leaning in but then they heard a "Hey guys!" From a smirking Jay. "Hey Jay I was just about to leave but I'll see you later." Jay nodded. "I'll see you later Mila?" Mila nodded. "Great bye." He said leaving.

Once Jake was out of sight Mila sighs and opens the door revealing Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Melody. Jay walked in behind her. Mila turned around to shut the door. Then she calmly walked towards Jay. She jumped on him screaming "you are a idiot. You don't know what could've happened." She was punching him. Jay was trying to get Mila off of him while Mila was screaming profanities at him. Mal, Evie, and Carlos had to come and pry Mila off of Jay. "Mila calm down, deep breaths" Evie calmed get down while Mal checked to see if Jay was hurt or not.

"Ok now can you tell us why you just attacked Jay?" Melody asked. "Ok fine first off I'm sorry Jay. Just you ruined what could've been my first kiss." Everyone gasped. "You mean your that upset that- Jay what have you done!" Carlos screamed.

Jay walked over to Mila. "You guys can I have a minute alone with Mila?" Everone nodded and walked out. "Listen Mila I'm sorry." He walked over to her a put a arm around her shoulders and brought her to his chest. "I shouldn't have done that just I guess it was the villain in me. I guess what im trying to say is that I'm sorry I ruined your moment."

"It's fine I understand i mean you still have some villain I guess it wasn't meant for that to happen anyways." Mila responded. "No way Mila it's meant to happen just it wasn't meant to happen today. Pretty soon though." Jay said. Mila nodded "Thanks Jay." "Anytime Mila you're like a little sister to me you have a place in my heart." Jay trailed off."I'll see you tomorrow ok?"

Mila nodded yes in agreement. Jay leaves. Melody comes in. "Why don't we rest and talk about it in the morning, yeah?" Melody asks. "Yeah thanks Mel people dreams." Mila says tiredly. "People dreams Mila."

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