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"I'm going to fight for what's right!" I screamed. Cj and I had a physical fight. And she turned them against me. On my birthday! "I didn't do anything!" Cj fake cried. Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay pulled me away. To Ben. "Come on." Mal said. I looked at her. "We are going to arm wrestle."

"You are going to say that you defended yourself and I'm going to apparently fight for Cj. If you're lying I win. If you are telling the truth then I loose. Ok." I looked at her no emotion. "ok." I sit down in front of her. Everyone is staring at us. "Go!" Jay said. I stare in her eyes as she looked at mine. My eyes glowing light blue. Her eyes turning light green.

Soon "I win." I say. Everyone is staring at me. "Why would Cj lie?" Ben asked. "She's evil with Zevon. And someone else I forgot. They beat me up. I'm wearing makeup to hide my bruises and scars." I get cut off by a bust through the door. "Security. Here to take Mila back to the isle of the lost for beating up Cj." The first one says.

"What!" Everyone screams. They grab my arms. Carrying me out. Everyone follows us. Screaming for them to put me down. Now we're in the front of the school. Fairy godmother is standing there looking sorrow. Jake can't look at me. "Don't I get a say in this! A trial. I have proof I'm not lying. Mal help please let's do this again. Ben you witness what I'm talking about. Please. Harry Hook is going to be there." I go on my knees. "What's wrong with Harry Hook?" Carlos asked.

"We used to date. He's crazy. He abused me physically and mentally. He still thinks we are dating now. But I broke up with him. Please let me explain." I begged. Fairy godmother waved. And I got picked up into the limo. Everyone is silent. The whole school is watching. I sit down. My knees in my chest. Crying. I can't go back. Sooner then I would like. We are here.

"We saw what happened kiddo. We are sorry. Well talk to Ben. Alright. Be safe." The first guy said. I got out. I was wearing sorta like isle gear. I wiped my eyes. Waved bye. Watched them leave. I toughed up. I walked further. "Morgona!" I scream. "Why the hell are you back!" She screamed. "Blame Cj. She ruined all our plans." I said.

She rolled her eyes and walked away. I walked out. To the castle. Here come the questions.

I walk in to Malificents castle. It's nothing compared to auradon. I hate it here. Though I did kinda did miss it here. No responsibilities. Care Free.. maybe it's not so bad being back.

"We heard the news our poison apple!" Evil queen shouted. "It's not your fault. We shall curse them." Jafar said. I nodded. I look down at my wrist. Jake had left me a bracelet of our initials in it.  I kept it hidden. These villians will take anything. "Well I'm going out. Bye." I say.

That was quick. I thought to myself. I run to my hideout. Grabbed my pirate coat and hat. I put on my boots. Changed my hair. Then walked to Ursula's fish and chips. I put my sword in the barrol. All eyes on me. "What are you all looking at!" I sneered glaring at everyone.

They quickly looked away. Gil came up to me. Gave me a hug. He was always my softie. Secretly of course. Then Harry came up. I had to admit he is handsome despite the things he did. He is a years older then me. "Well. Well. Well. Look who we have here." He has his hook running against my hair. I slap it away. "What do you want Harry?" I ask getting impatient.

"We need a secret captain. So since you came back. Congratulations! Captain Mila. We will fake our alligence to Uma and be real to you. Uma is off her rocker." She rolled her eyes. "So. I get her boat. Her crew." I left off. A box was carried my way. I snatched it. "What is this. A trap?" Harry snorts. "Uma's stuff." Gill horribly whispered. "ooo." I open it. Took out the sword. Auntie Ursula gave me her locket.

"Gil walk with me." I said. We grabbed our swords. And walked out. We went to our rooftop. "Did Harry ever change?" I ask. "He did. He's not abusive or anything like that no more Mel." He said. I nodded. We stared at auradon. "Where did you get that bracelet?" Gil asked. I looked down it's not even showing.

"What bracelet?" I ask looking away." It surprised me on why he wants people to think he's stupid then the average person. He's really smart. I sighed. "My.. I guess ex boyfriend gave it to me. For my birthday today. My first real birthday with my brother and my boyfriend and I had to come back here." I kicked the gravel.

"Who's your half brother?" Gil asked. See I never said half. He knew. "Carlos devil. We have the same dead dad." I say. "Sorry." He said. "I could have stopped Uma from going. But I didn't. I knew her plans. She didn't tell me about you though." He added quickly. "whatever. Can I sleep at yours. I don't want to be around morgona." I say. He nodded. We got off and headed to his house.

We dodged the "homeless." We dodged the snatchers. We basically dodged people in general. I had to be on alert. I have to toughed up. I had to put my walls up. Again.

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