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Today is the day of the fight. I tied Ben back up, but a bit looser so it's comfortable at the least. But Ben got woken up. I never fell asleep. I was thanking the moon that it was Gil who came to get us. I hug him. I really hope Ben finds a way back to Auradon. I can't help him. I mean I could have. But it's not the plan.
I bring Ben to the plank. Uma walks over. Takes my locket. I stay quiet. Fighting the urge to fight her. She smirks at me. I look at her. She puts it on. I tie Ben's legs and arms. Walking him to the plank.

We hear footsteps after a while. I look up as I am standing on the rope. My eyes widened. "Lonnie." I whispered. She shouldn't be here. None of them should. Uma and them start talking then I jump in. Litteraly jumped from the rope. "I find it funny how Ben comes back the second he found out Mal left. How you all came back for Ben. Even Lonnie. But I bet I never crossed your mind. How much you want a bet?" I say taking a few steps forward out of the shadows, sliding my sword softly against Lonnie's neck.

A drip of blood slides down. I smirk. Harry comes up to me. "I hope I get to punish you soon princessia." I tense up. Only Mal, Ben, Evie, Gil, Jay, Carlos, and Lonnie notices. I look away. They all look at me wide eyes. Uma and Mal start talking. Ben talks to me in a hushed voice "are you sure you are ok?" I nodded. Looking at Gil he avoided my eyes. Conflicted I look away from him.

They turned this simple exchange to a big singing contest. Pathetic. I yawned. Suddenly Harry brought Ben up to Mal. I sighed in relief. Suddenly I see colors surrounding us. I quickly ran to the tunnel with Gil.

We ran into Mal and her crew. "You guys need to get out of here now." I said using my leader voice. We ran after them to their limo. Before their door closed. I said "don't come back. And if you do have protection. Save the younger kids." Before they could protest. I slammed the door. But they didn't go instead Gil picks me up. "Gil?" I ask. Out of no where I felt a necklace around my neck and I'm being pushed into the limo from my back. I can't stop from what's happening. I knew its from Gil. The last thing I here from him is "they took her." I look around.

"The limo that took me from the isle the first time." I say quietly. Lonnie is tending to her cut. "I'm sorry Lonnie. I actually didn't mean to make you bleed. Just a scrape." Then I went mute. Lonnie said "it's ok." It is a awkward silence. Ben was looking at me the entire time. Mal was looking at the window. I felt uncomfortable. I really wanted to die.

The others sat away from me. Like I'm road kill in the middle of the street. I scoot closer to the window. The others are talking as I silently let the tears fall. Ben still watching me. Ben crossed the limo. Wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me in his chest. I let more tears fall. Carlos hadn't looked at me since they kidnapped me. Mal is still looking out the window. It's silent. Besides for the hearing of sniffles.

The next morning

I was awoken by four people around my bed.
Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos.
"You were mumbling in your sleep. And screaming." Jay said. "Nightmare?" Evie asked. I nodded. I wrote in smoke in the air.

:Since you let me go back:

They looked down. They played a recording.
Help! Carlos don't leave me. (Sobbing) please don't let me go. I can't go back. HELP STAY AWAY FROM ME. STOP. STOP. STOOOP.

Ben suddenly came running in here. They all look at me. "Was it Harry? He can't get you here. Your safe. He can't do that again." Ben soothes me. The others looking at me like what happened. Ben started to explain. But I covered his mouth. Shaking my head no. They don't need to know. Not their problem. It's mine. Its not like they care anyways. I start sobbing.

They all panicked. I ran to the bathroom to get away from everyone.

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