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I woke up in my bed. Jay is sleeping on the couch. Standing up I got dressed. The plan Uma told me was a fraud. I look at my neck. Then the plan with Gil and Harry failed too. Just realizing the necklace was a cresent moon. Engraved it said "love you 2 the moon and back." I silently cried. Not noticing Jay had woken up. He wrapped his arms around me. I tensed up running around him. Avoiding his touch.

He looked hurt. "What happened at the isle?" He asked.

"Nothing I would tell you about." I replied.

"But I want to help you." He pleaded.

A fiery look glared in my eyes "help. Help. I begged for help when I got pushed in the limo. Getting sent back to the isle. No fair trail or anything. You all fought. Once. You tried. You didn't sneak back to the isle for me. You went for Mal. You went back for Ben. But everyone forgot about the girl who gets abused and tortured. Yet still most respectable and strongest most feared." I shut my mouth realizing I admitted what happened on the isle.

He looks at me wide eyes. I walk out the door. Running through the hallway. Ingoring everyone screams because they didn't know I was back and they were scared. I ran. Out past the tourney field. Past the gymnasium. Straight to the woods. Not looking back. Realizing I'm lost. Smiling like a chesire cat I realized I have no where to go. Smiling because I'm free. But I keep walking. I realized I'm back.

It didn't matter if I was lost. Godmother's magic would've brought me back. I turn to face the entire school. Staff and students. Godmother looking at me with a sad smile. Vivid flash backs of when they kicked me out vivid in my mind. My eyes widened. The former VK's run up to me. But I stepped back. Then Ben ran up to me. I hugged him. He saw exactly what happened, he knew.

The others looked confused why I only could be near Ben. Then I saw him walking up. "Jake." I whispered.
"Mila. I'm so sorry." I cut him off.

"No you're not. If you were sorry you would have fought. You would have brought me back. you would have listened. Unlike any of you did. It wasn't my fault." I yelled.

"It was not my fault. It was Cj's fault. I wasn't the mean one. Everywhere I went. Here and there I was abused and tortured. Yet I got the blame." I turned to Ben. "Take me home." I said.

"Let's get back to your dorm." He said. I pulled back a bit. "Take me back to the isle. I'm banished. Fairy godmother hasn't said I could come back yet. You all kidnapped me. Send me back." I commanded.

"No. You have nightmares. You got horrible punishments there. I saw the worst punishment of them all. And I couldn't even do anything about it. Your scream's still in my head. Who knows if that happened more then once." Ben said.

I looked away. Cause it did happen more than once.

"Mila you're staying. No exceptions." Fairy godmother said softly wiping a tear. "I apologise. We should have given you a proper trial. One incident shouldn't have been enough to send you back. Since you were doing fabulous. You can stay." She says. She dismissed everyone except The four VK's and Jake and Ben stayed behind.

"What about Gil?" I ask. "Gil? You mean Gaston's son?" Jake asks. "Yes you big dork." I replied.

"What about him?" Ben asks. "He's my best friend. He gave me this necklace. He the one who helped these guys kidnap me." I pointed out the necklace I'm wearing.

"We can't do anything right away but we can make some arrangement's." Ben promised.

"Wait, what! Don't we all get a say? I mean he's our father's enemies son Ben." Jake protested.

"Yes, but everyone deserves a second chance. He helped Mila. I know that for sure." Ben thought out loud.

Jake turned red and stormed off.
"Where's Melody?" I ask.

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