20 years later

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No not really. It's been a year and a half. Mila's graduated. Carlos graduated online because he's still on a father hunt.

"Everyone may I have your attention please!" Ben announced. It is just a random party but there is a announcement from the King and Queen. "We are very excited to announce. That we are expecting!" Mal said. Everyone gasped. That is why no one has seen or heard from her in three months. She turned to the side and a small baby bump was forming. Everyone cheered. Even Mila congratulated Ben and Mal. "Mila I know we had our ups and downs. But we were hoping." Mal waved a finger in between her and Ben. "Will you be the godmother?" Mila looked at them shocked. "Me?" She asked they nodded smiling. "Of course it is a honor." They hugged her before they excused themselves to go talk to others. Mila had the biggest smile on her face as she went to Gil. Who was talking to Harry and Audrey.

Gil wrapped a arm around Mila who kissed his cheek. She smiled at Harry and Audrey. Who smiled back at her. "They're not the only one who is expecting." Audrey whispered to her. "oh my Hades really?" Mila asked. Audrey nodded smiling Harry grinning. "Wow, a Hook and a Beauty. Never thought that would happen and I know it is gonna be beautiful." Mila congratulated. Audrey hugged her. "I'ma be a auntie of two." Mila smiled. "Make that three." Lonnie said holding a test. Jay with her. Everyone was smiling and crying of joy congratulating each other.

The next morning.
"Mila." Evie grabbed her hand into the bathroom. She starts crying. "Doug left to help Carlos he doesn't know yet. I know him and I are still together. But they are gonna be gone a while and I think I'm pregnant." She cried. "Breathe. It's ok if you are." Mila held her to her chest. "Here take a test. Mal had an extra one she didn't have to take under the sink. In five minutes we'll know. And until Doug comes back I'll be here for you." Mila told Evie.

Evie nodded taking the test from her hands. Mila left outside the door. Evie came out and they sat down waiting. "You check." Evie told Mila who nodded. Breathing shakily "It's negative." She said. "What?" Evie looked disappointed. "Are you sure?" She asked. "No it's positive. Now you know how you really feel." Evie put a hand over her mouth. "That's a dangerous gamble." She giggled slightly. "Well we should get ready it's just you and I and Doug who live here. Since Doug is gone for a bit we will give him a call later and right now let's make baby clothes and room." Mila said excited. Evie laughed and nodded. "Wow my little nugget is gonna be spoiled." Mila sighed happily. Evie laughed "You're other god child will be spoiled." Mila stopped "You mean?" She asked Evie nodded. "Oh I'm over the moon." Mila screamed happily.

Time skip a month.

"Babe are you ok?" Gil asked Mila. She was hunched over the toilet throwing up at the sight of fish cooking. This happened twice before but no one thought anything of it. "Yeah I'm fine I just gotta brush my teeth." Mila sighed feeling gross. Carlos is still gone and Doug is coming back in a day. Everyone who is pregnant is finally showing. As soon as Mila finished brushing her teeth she threw up again. Gil held her hair back. Soon a Jane was there holding a test. "Everyone getting pregnant huh?" She joked. Mila looked at her with sad eyes. "Jane there's a curse on my family. Every first born is a miscarriage. I don't want to go threw that pain. If I am you know " Mila trailed off. "I'll look for a way to reverse it. My mom and I will look. So will Mal." Jane promised. Mila nodded. Jane left and said goodbye. "I'm pregnant." Mila said in fear. "Hey we'll find a way to reverse this curse." Gil took her in his chest and soothed her hair. "We were so careful.." Mila cried herself to sleep. Worrying Gil about their future.

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