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It's been 6 months. No one came. I had my phone I have bars. They won't respond to my texts.Jake only sent me one text. We're over. That's all it said. Gil helped me through it. Though I'm still sad I'm slowly getting over it.

"Uma wants you at the chip shop. Tonight." Harry said barging in her room. "Why?" Mila asked. He shrugged.

"Whatever. Fine. I'll be there." Mila says. During her time in auradon her hair thanks to fairy godmother turned brown. With red and blonde natural highlights. She looked normal. But I miss my blue hair. My eyes are still blue though. Harry left. Mila started making her way across the isle.

I can't believe they forgot about me. They knew the truth. Those traitors. Who left me in the dirt. Carlos. My own brother. Who I thought cared. I guess not.

Mila's face hardens. As she walked in he shop. Harry smirked. Walking up to her kissing the top of her hand that's in his.

"Right this way." He said winking secretly.

He led Mila to a table that was in the corner with Uma waiting there. He left. "what do you want?" Mila asked. "Straight to the point much?" Uma crooked her head. Mila looked at her. "Fine. We have one thing in common. Mal. We watch her and her Beasty boyfriend living the perfect life. We are planning a huge thing we thought you might want to be apart of.." she trails off.

"And that would be.." Mila mocked her. She smiled. Not good either. "My crew. We'll be co captains. On the bore-a-don news Ben and Mal had a fight. They can't find her." Mila eyes widened as a why should I care. "We are looking for a way off the isle. We could use your help." She said. "Do you accept?" She asked.

Mila quickly thought about this. Should I....... "Yes. I'm in." They shake hands. She hands her a new pirate outfit. Including a sword. Harry and Gil already made her secret captain. If she thinks she can waltz right in taking over again. She is wrong.

"Wear this. And find more pirate stuff. We have a meeting tomorrow. At lunch." She said.

"Co captain we are right?" Mila asked confirming. She nodded. Mila started to hum her self magic wasn't banned not being planned. She comes into Mila's spell. Nodding yes. Mila smiled. "Sure thing." Mila says standing up walking out. Smiling evilly. Mila walked to the curl up and dye shop to meet Dizzy.

Unfortunately my timing couldn't be better. Note sarcastic comment.

Mila just finished putting on her pirate outfit then walked through the doors. She see Dizzy working on a purple haired girl. Mila focused on her nails. Hearing Dizzy squeal in excitement but Harry comes up out of nowhere. "Fork it over young one." He has his hand out. "All of it." He finishes. Mila elbowed him in his ribs. Then a voice "still running errands for Uma. Or do you actually keep what you steal?" Said Mal's bored voice.

Mila froze knowing that voice to well. The bitch herself. "Mal." She said with disgust walking next to Harry. Dizzy stands scared behind the register. She never saw me like this. I hope she doesn't get to scared. "Just wait till Uma hears that you're back." He runs his hook through her hair. "Mila will never give you back your old territory." He said. "That's ok because I will be taking it." She said mocking. "No. Not If I have a say in this. And trust me I do bitch." Mila snarled.

Her eyes widened at Mila. Her eyes scream out. I'm sorry. But Mila look at her with no emotion but hatrid and disgust. "6 months." She muttered. She goes up to Dizzy. "Make me look myself." She whispers please. She smiles and nodded. Harry left and Mal is watching Mila. "Stare much?" She asks sarcastically. "We tried to get you back." Mal explained.

"Save it. I waited for texts. And to finally get one. And Jake broke up with me to get with someone else! Everything I trusted you all. I let my guard down. I could have got the wand and left. Like I should have. But no you all lied and broke me. And Ben Beasty boy sent me back to this hell hole." Mila screamed at her. "Welcome back to hell but this time I'm the Queen." Mila finished.

"I'm sorry. We-"

"Save it. Its to late. You can't break me again. You left auradon for attention. So you can show to see if he loves you. I can see he does. But you're to selfish to realize it. I thought I had that with Jake. But nothing will ever happen. It's 1 in a million. So I guess you can save your damn apologies and shove it up your ass. Because I don't give a shit about what you have to say." Mila snapped. She paid Dizzy the money Harry took and for her own hair and nails. Then hugged her. Then stormed out.

She walked to fish and chips. Uma came to check on her. Because Harry told her about the Mal incident a few hours ago.  Mila end up walking to her hideout with Gil. Mostly because he's her best friend. Beside for Dizzy. Mila always had a crush on him. Before she left.

He likes to lower everyone's expectations of him. So when he can. When he strikes when they least expect it. He surprises Mila everyday. They are two years apart. Or a year and 6 months. Mila forgot. They made a makeshift bed. And fall asleep looking at the stars that are not covered by smoke.

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