14 Mila pov

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"Mal will you marry me?" Ben asked Mal in front of the crowd. "Yes." Mal said. Soon everyone cheered and hollered. Even I clapped a little. I only talk to Jane, Carlos, Ben, and Lonnie I don't talk to anyone else. Uma is missing and we don't know where she is which makes me paranoid everywhere I go. To my right I heard a "No!" A shriek from Audrey. I look over to her feeling sorry for her. "Your mom could get a man in her sleep." Audrey's Grams scolded her. I feel worse for her. She's been taught she needs the man and she has to be someone who she can't. Mal did ruin her life but Audrey deserves to live her life how she wants not her family ambitions. I grabbed a glass of punch and looked around. Carlos never leaves my side since I started talking to him. He's been very protective. So has Jay even though I don't talk to him.

Skips to Janes birthday.
"Who ate a piece of Janes cake?" Carlos asked. I heard his voice so I told Dizzy, and Celia to hurry with chewing so I can hide the evidence. No I didn't help them take it. I just found them but didn't get them much trouble.

Oh yeah I speak to the new VK's to just secretly I tell them don't tell others I talk to them. What happened so fast is we're all running out to see if Mal was alright and instead we saw an old lady. Instantly realizing it's Mal we asked her questions. After a while I speak out of for the first time quite a while. "I guess we're going back to the isle." I smirked happily.

"What are you doing back here?" Gil asked. I turned around. The others chased off Harry to get the bikes Mal and Celia went to get the ember. I was walking around. Not the smartest thing to do but oh well. I smiled at him. "I told you a while back that one day you and I will leave the isle. This is our chance. To leave and have a better life." I told him. He put his hand on my cheek.

"You shouldn't have came back it's not safe." He said. "It's the Isle Gil. I handled it a good while and I can handle a few minutes. Especially with you by my side." I spoke. "Any tabs on Uma?" Gil asked. "No but I know she's coming near. I can feel it. I think she was the one who stole the locket from the museum too." Soon before any of us could say anything I'm getting dragged by Jay. No more like carried away by Jay. Carlos and Evie on both sides of us. I'm groaning upset at what just happened.

I start wriggling around trying to escape to get Gil first but Jay is to strong. Soon all 6 of us are by the border. We crossed and I was upset and didn't go willingly. Till I saw Gil and Harry jump threw the barrier. I smiled to myself looking at Gil. I stopped struggling and stayed behind Jay when Harry looked at me. We all got ready to fight to put them back on the isle but then Harry took the ember and threatened to throw it over board. And somehow Uma appeared and is holding the ember.

"Now who wants gum?" Evie asked after a few minutes. I dozed off. "Me!" I happily cried taking it from her. "What's gum?" Gil asked as we all started walking across the water to Auradon. It was silent. Gil and I walked behind everyone silently pushing each other smiling a little.

One time I got beat up on the isle so bad it messed with my head so till this day I zone out a lot. So somehow I zoned out and realized everyone's alseep or turned to stone. "Audrey." Mal murmured. "No fucking way. You know what I'm staying away from you guys Audrey will be going after Mal and whoever is with her. And quite frankly I'm ok with being away. So see you guys around I'll keep looking for Ben." Before anyone could tell me anything before I ran off. I stopped running in the forest when I see Jorels statue. I look at him sadly. I look at his hands and surprisingly it wasn't statue it was a letter. I gently took it out of his hands and knowing I really shouldn't but I did read it.

Dear Mila,
I have a bunch of letters I wanted to send you while you were away. You've been on my mind constantly and it's been driving me mad. I've been reading books for loopholes you being you back here. I would be texting your number but I never got it from you. No one has been telling me anything about you because they don't know we're really close friends. I'm doing all I can with so little information. It pains me to see that Jake broke your heart but I hope I can help mend it.

Slightly letting a few tears fall I put the letter back. Summoning a bucket of enchanted water I dumped it on his head. Now the love spell is off and he won't be a statue.
Sobbing in the limo on my way to the isle I noticed Jorel sitting there. He promised he would help me but I didn't want to take false promises so i took precautions so I spelled him to love me.
I continued walking to see Jane with a water gun. "Jane!" I yelled running over. She held up the water gun like it could defend her. "It's me." I said. She laughed and hugged me. "It's Audrey she has the septer and the crown plus your locket." Jane spoke. I nodded "The others and I went to the isle to get Hades ember to defeat her." Jane looked confused. "The ember only works for Hades. It won't work for Mal unless.." she trailed off. Her and I gasped. "Hades is her father." We spoke in sync. "Let's go to Evie's maybe the others are there and if not I can check on the new VK's." I said. Jane nodded soon we walked off into the forest. We saw the guys standing in fear of a mini beast.

"AWWW HE'S SO CUTE." I smiled like I was talking to a puppy. Jane ran up and sprayed him with lake water making him go back to semi normal. I stood next to Gil. "Hey Ben those teeth really work for you."I spoke playfully flirty I winked. Everyone laughed but Gil looked stumped and a little angry. Ben blushed a little and Jay explained to Ben catching him up. But what annoyed me the most was Ben doesn't know what details to follow mean. Like merlin listen already. Soon everyone was running back to Evie's.

I watched Carlos give Jane her present. And I watched everyone else from a distance. Soon Mal made a announcement looking guilty and sad. "I lied." Mal paused. "The barrier is staying up forever. It was my idea."  Mal spoke honestly. I was standing next to Evie a look of betrayal on both of our faces. Just as her and I were talking with Evie not to long ago how she would defend the kids who can't defend themselves. It was her idea. Uma and Harry stormed off. Celia threw the Ember in water. I smiled a little at her fire. But it disappears fast. Evie gave her a really big guilt trip but soon Carlos, Evie, Jay, and Ben turn to stone. "No!" Mal and I scream. "Why didn't I turn?" I asked soon I saw a light and I'm up on a tower with Audrey and Celia.

"Celia?" I asked in disbelief. She ran to me. I took her in my arms. Tears were lightly going down her face. "Chad was useless. You're my new side kick." Audrey ordered me. I shook my head. "There's no way in hell I would ever join you." I stood my ground. "You will bow to me." She hummed lightly and before I knew it I wasn't in control and I was bowing to her. "Mila no!" Celia screamed. "It's not my choice Celia it's I'm not in control." I murmered. As we were waiting and I was stuck in my position of bowing I start singing.
"Whenever I was frightened or I felt alone. I turned to the night sky to a star I called my own. He said we can sail away tonight on a sea of pure moon light. We can navigate the stars to bring us back home." Soon Audrey shuts my mouth and I see Mals dragon and I see Celia running to me. "Lock arms with me I'll do my best to keep you safe I promise." I told her. She nodded crawling to my side. Soon Audrey passed out. And my spell was broken. I got on my knees and hugged Celia. "Are you alright? She didn't hurt you right?" I asked her. She nodded "Thank you for saving me from her before Mal came." She said in my chest. I nodded. "Us VK's gotta stick together." I said. I wiped her tears. Looking at Mal who was looking at a almost dead Audrey.

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