-Chapter 5- «Dear Diary»

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"April 24th, 2015. The day was filled with anger and sadness. I finished folding laundry, cooking lunch, cleaning windows. When I sat on the highchair in the kitchen, I opened a bottle of Merlot and started drinking, waiting for Garrett to come home so he can explain."

I was sitting on my armchair, still reading Elizabeth's diary in the morning with my cup of coffee. It's October, which means that what I'm reading happened between six and seven months ago.

"A tear streamed down my face as I rapidly finished my first glass and slowly poured again. The world was falling apart around me. I couldn't shake the feeling that I've been betrayed by the person that I love the most. How could he? Am I not good enough? What do I need to do to pleasure him more than his mistress?"

I raised my eyebrows... Garrett used to cheat on Elizabeth. New theory.

"Then, he came, smiling like a little sly philanderer with an ugly secret. He tried to kiss me but I backed off. "What are you doing?" he asked, acting innocently.

I almost threw my chair on his face as I started screaming, telling him that I knew what he did. "Patricia Finn, honestly! She is considered as the local home wrecker in town, you could've chosen a better woman! Pilchard over caviar! Nice one, Garrett!" I was crying hysterically. I've never felt disgusted in my entire life..."

I don't understand. They had a big fight a few months ago but she still stayed with him, even though he cheated on her with this Patricia. Why?

"Garrett was feeling sorry for what he did; I could see that in his eyes. He tried several times to take me in his hands and comfort me but I firmly resisted, knowing that if I succumb, he would win. But again, isn't he the person I love the most?"

I knew that she would surrender, like the hopeless romantic woman in love she was. I called Kendall to tell her about what I read. Patricia can be our next suspect.


"How can I help you?" Patricia asked in a thick Scottish accent, offering Kendall and I to sit in the couch as she put a silver tray with a tea-pot, three cups and a plateful of macadamia biscuits.

I looked around; the house gave off vintage vibes with the flower-printed wallpapers, the smell of a Feng Shui incense floating and a deer head hooked just above the chimney.

A classy home wrecker, indeed.

-"We're investigating on the murder of Elizabeth Miller." Kendall informed her. "I assume you're very familiar with this name, right?"

Patricia stopped smiling politely. She poured the tea in the cups as she continued glaring at Kendall.

-"For the record, Garrett loved me... It's not my fault if I'm better in bed. Have a biscuit." She offered with a mocker smile, handing the plate.

She didn't look like a home wrecker at all with her silky blouse, her high-waisted pants and her Bree Van de Kamp hair bun.

-"Do you have feelings for him?" I asked, ironically.

-"I don't have feelings for people. People have feelings for me. But I'm not going to deny the fact that Garrett was my favorite customer." She admitted, winking at me. Kendall frowned at her.

So, she's a prostitute?

-"Yes." She said, facing me. Oh... Did she read my mind or was I thinking out loud?

-"Is Garrett still your customer?" Kendall asked her, taking notes.

-"Mind your own business, lady."

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