-Chapter 14- «Squad Goals»

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Kendall dropped the fork that she was using to chop her pancakes topped with warm maple syrup on her plate as I stopped talking, lifting her eyes to look at me, open-mouthed.

-"She said what?" she managed to ask, trying to compose herself.

We were having breakfast at the Clinton Street Baking, a congenial restaurant located at the Lower East Side of Manhattan. We've heard that they had the best pancakes in the borough so we had to try it out, obviously.

As a customer with lots of critics to give, I was already impressed with the quick service and the simple modern decoration with the off-white wallpaper and the wooden counters. It was cozy, intimate and ideal for a friendly gathering or some random sophisticated family brunch.

-"You heard right. She clearly said she was happy that her mother died." I answered, nodding in an ironic mysterious way. "If those kinds of words don't make you suspect her, then I don't know what does."

Kendall shrugged while biting on her food, as if she wasn't shocked about it, a couple of seconds ago.

-"I don't know. I think that it's almost surreal that someone is willing to kill their mother." She stated, making me laugh at her.

-"Ken, we're in New York. You'd be surprised by people's intentions in God knows what."

-"Touché." She admitted, smiling while pointing her fork that she picked up at me.

I felt lucky having her as a friend. Not everyone gets to have someone as amazing as Kendall. It made my heart beat faster every time I see her, my nerves calm every time I hug her and my mood suddenly become more joyful every time she giggled at my jokes. She can spray colors in your life. She can have the best advices in almost every problem you face... She can cure cancer with her positive vibes.

Kendall opted to go trendy today, style-wise. She was wearing a plum wool crop-top with a long grey skirt that had a slit above her left knee and some black high heels. She brought a leather jacket in case of the weather changing, accessorized with a navy blue satchel.

The women were jealously reviewing her clothes while glaring at their husbands for being enthralled by her sense of class along with the brightness of her smile that boosted her natural beauty.

It felt like they envied me, thinking that she was my wife, somehow. I wouldn't mind, though. Wife...

-"I think that she despised her mother because of her affair with André." She thought with a confused look that narrowed her smoky eyes.

-"Scatterbrained much? Unfaithful or not, it's atrocious of her to be delighted by what Alice went through." I stated, picking a blueberry from her plate. "She didn't have a tiny hint of fear in her eyes when she talked to me, knowing that I was the detective in charge of her mother's case."

-"Detective's assistant." She jokingly corrected me, trying to tease me with a grin, as usual.

I pulled my tongue out to her, which made her laugh even more. I stole another blueberry, as a punishment. She stopped laughing, glaring at my munching as if she was ready to pull it out of my mouth, making me raise my hands for defense.

-"I don't know, there's more to the story." I blurted, trying to change of subject before she acts all moody about it.

She picked up her fork to take one of my pancakes, leaving me speechless.

No one can argue with Kendall Jones when it comes to the food.

-"Yeah, you're right." She retorted, wiggling her eyebrows, feeling triumphant by her childish yet funny action.

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